Homer Wednesday morning I had the pleasure of receiving a colissimo boxes that contained my Odysseus Editions awakening and discovery (I spoke here ). I'm always a little excited when I get my papers, I ask lots of questions: what colors make it the way I want? how will be the layout? etc. ... Again I'm really happy with the job of editor is a very beautiful object. It complements Collection great author with Jules Verne and another is in preparation for October. This time the box contains only 2 CDs but has a map showing the journey of Odysseus from Troy to Ithaca. The title is embossed with gloss on the cover, which provides a rather nice little seal. You can find it commercially in the vicinity of 11 June (as usual: Fnac, bookstore, Amazon ...).
Another thing, I have benefited to remove certain works that were no longer too representative of my current job, which for a few, served the full. A thousand apologies for the ones who will be disappointed not to see their favorite illustrations. Do not worry, it will more ...
I noticed there were more and more English who came to visit this blog so I'll make a little effort, I will try to make a summary in English for future posts.