Sky Doll Decade Exhibition, the largest of heaven ... Amelie Nothomb
There are comics and graphic qualities which are recognized by a scriptwriting commercial success well deserved. Sky Doll series Babucci and Canepa, not content to feed its authors.
This work is also a source of inspiration for other artists. Noa, heroin became muse continues to fuel fantasies and imaginations. Its graceful curves, its her woman-child and sexy outfits, tangy and mechanical are thus grouped under all styles, all techniques, all media.
Click image for practical information on the show!
For 10 years the series, Barbara Canepa, director of collections already very active volunteer has mounted an exhibition tribute. It brings together many works of amateur perverted and poetic world of Sky Doll.
Attention from 30 November, part of the works will be taken down! So hurry to see these wonders! Besides the many works of fans, many original drawings for the series are to admire. What a joy to watch "for real" the finesse of a pencil, the sleek and dynamic that come to life.
One downside: the place. Espace Saint Germain, crowded with tables and chairs, is not conducive to visitors. You have to slalom between obstacles, bending and twisting to approach some tables. Certainly, there's a challenge and works closely zieuter wins. I had in mind the excellent design of the exhibition at the gallery Arludik Metamorphosis, there I was disappointed ...
Fortunately, the tables are waiting for you and discoveries! Particular trait of nervous and very Stephane Levallois . His watercolors and inks made me a big slap.
On a softer, more nostalgic Almanza Jeremiah gives us a glowing picture. Another great guy that I never knew existed!
illustration fresh and tender with decreased Amelie s offered me a bucolic interlude in the middle of November.
Another lady, Maly Siri charms seduced me with his watery and floral pin'up bath.
If the expectation of Volume 4 of Sky Doll worried readers, this exhibition demonstrates the teeming life of the universe in this series. So a little patience! And then, the collection also offers us Metamorphosis full of fabulous reading and tasty as the faun Yaxin :)
photos of works from the site of the Gallery and Nana are the property of their author.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Cold Blooded Vs Warm Blooded Respiration Rates
Lord ken Ott School
Hier j'étais in the company of little tots large section / Cp School Pre Golden (found in my area). The school called me to present Lord Ken Ott which was studied in class before. The children were excited and asked a thousand questions! It was a very nice afternoon! Lord Ken Ott further enlarged his circle of fan. What a charmer this little mouse!
Yesterday, I Was at Pre Dore Primary School (not so far from my home). Presented my last book I've Lord Ken Ott adventures. L ittle Children Were
very excited and I was one billion Asked Questions! That Was a very big day. Ken Ott now have new fans, What charm!
Friday, November 19, 2010
How Long Can You Live As An Anorexic
Antéchrista: Stooges and expertise
I discovered the novels of Amelie Nothomb with The Catiline Orations and Hygiene de l'assassin ago dozen years. His writing is so easy to read, simple and rich vocabulary of a little-used, deceived me instantly. It guides the reader in the fictions where women are ambivalent friendship, tinged with perversion, where the characters have conflicting reports about their bodies, love and often food.
The recipe is always the same, or almost, and yet each new novel taste is subtly different. I know I'll love his books because the elements that attracted me the first time are still there. I know I'll be surprised by a story, a narrative perspective, a choice of innovative point of view.
Reading is easy, fast and funny. Yet it affects me, reminds me of Malaysian teenagers who still cling to my skirts, and when I close the book, inevitably, a few hours or days later, my guts shake and my brain shakes. The echo of reading with me a long time ...
Antéchrista explores this strange relationship that is established between a popular girl sometimes and another timid and not very blessed by nature: that which serves to argue for a creature that shines forth alone.
Nothomb located on the side of the victim consented, White, a teenager of 16 years ago at university. Erased, almost invisible she's attracted by the aura of light that Christa is the same age. Soon, it interferes in the lives of White, moves in with parents and manipulates hearts. But as in any relationship-dominated dominant one who holds the real power and those who accept the authority ... The novel
undertaker with a biting irony the life of a smart and cynical teenager adapts well to his loneliness and his neuroses. The interruption of Christ in her life reveals that its aspirations changes are only illusions.
Knowing Nothomb's work, one quickly realizes the place of history, however, this does not detract from the pleasure of reading. Especially when there is even one day was inappropriate in his class!
I want to thank my mom for mustaches kindly lent me Antéchrista and A form of life, the last novel published in Nothomb. I just attacking the other reading of the latter which will be shortly reviewed here.
I discovered the novels of Amelie Nothomb with The Catiline Orations and Hygiene de l'assassin ago dozen years. His writing is so easy to read, simple and rich vocabulary of a little-used, deceived me instantly. It guides the reader in the fictions where women are ambivalent friendship, tinged with perversion, where the characters have conflicting reports about their bodies, love and often food.
The recipe is always the same, or almost, and yet each new novel taste is subtly different. I know I'll love his books because the elements that attracted me the first time are still there. I know I'll be surprised by a story, a narrative perspective, a choice of innovative point of view.
Reading is easy, fast and funny. Yet it affects me, reminds me of Malaysian teenagers who still cling to my skirts, and when I close the book, inevitably, a few hours or days later, my guts shake and my brain shakes. The echo of reading with me a long time ...
Antéchrista explores this strange relationship that is established between a popular girl sometimes and another timid and not very blessed by nature: that which serves to argue for a creature that shines forth alone.
Nothomb located on the side of the victim consented, White, a teenager of 16 years ago at university. Erased, almost invisible she's attracted by the aura of light that Christa is the same age. Soon, it interferes in the lives of White, moves in with parents and manipulates hearts. But as in any relationship-dominated dominant one who holds the real power and those who accept the authority ... The novel
undertaker with a biting irony the life of a smart and cynical teenager adapts well to his loneliness and his neuroses. The interruption of Christ in her life reveals that its aspirations changes are only illusions.
Knowing Nothomb's work, one quickly realizes the place of history, however, this does not detract from the pleasure of reading. Especially when there is even one day was inappropriate in his class!
I want to thank my mom for mustaches kindly lent me Antéchrista and A form of life, the last novel published in Nothomb. I just attacking the other reading of the latter which will be shortly reviewed here.
Copyright: Marianne Ciaudo
Monday, November 15, 2010
Run Python From Batch
I'll be in Montreuil to dedicate Ulysses and Jules Verne With The publisher enlightenment and discovery of the 5 am and 10 am Between december 24:30 am. Hope you'll be there!
A little note to tell you my dedications to salon Montreu l. I'll be on the stand of enlightenment and discovery the Sunday, December 5 of 10am to 12.30pm to dedicate my cabinets Ulysses and Jules Verne . I hope to see you there!

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Us Visa Appointment Confirmationo Id
The garden of my father ...
For a lot of good reasons, I will share with you maybe one day I hate the Cote d'Azur. It's not my fault that I was born and still less if my parents live there. So once a year, I make a pilgrimage to these places dedicated to senior citizens and working girls in bikinis cooked UV. Fortunately, there is the sea of clouds and his cohorts.
And then there's the garden of my father.
Fall Collection
A hillside of limestone hinterland, a happy jumble plant reigns on a piece of terrain. Far away fixtures in the Alps, the small village clinging to its rocky peak, the valley of the Var and the symphony of water and silvery in the morning light. If I squint, in the mist, the sea almost imagine, I can forget the proliferation of opulent villas in the hills and decayed public housing in the valley bottom ...
One two three, Pyracantha, potato bread and arbutus,
I scratch the back of the cat with me in walk, I rub the leaves of verbena in bloom again, sniffing rosemary. Pomegranate and threaten its thorns my camera too curious. Amanita ovoid bravely raise their clod before finishing my plate. The shadows lengthen on their persimmon persimmons hung naked. The wind blows. It's time to go.
Four, five, six, pomegranate, grape and raspberry chrysanthemums
Seven, eight, nine, fruit of the cypress, Amanita ovoid and khaki ...
For a lot of good reasons, I will share with you maybe one day I hate the Cote d'Azur. It's not my fault that I was born and still less if my parents live there. So once a year, I make a pilgrimage to these places dedicated to senior citizens and working girls in bikinis cooked UV. Fortunately, there is the sea of clouds and his cohorts.
And then there's the garden of my father.
Fall Collection
A hillside of limestone hinterland, a happy jumble plant reigns on a piece of terrain. Far away fixtures in the Alps, the small village clinging to its rocky peak, the valley of the Var and the symphony of water and silvery in the morning light. If I squint, in the mist, the sea almost imagine, I can forget the proliferation of opulent villas in the hills and decayed public housing in the valley bottom ...
One two three, Pyracantha, potato bread and arbutus,
I scratch the back of the cat with me in walk, I rub the leaves of verbena in bloom again, sniffing rosemary. Pomegranate and threaten its thorns my camera too curious. Amanita ovoid bravely raise their clod before finishing my plate. The shadows lengthen on their persimmon persimmons hung naked. The wind blows. It's time to go.
Four, five, six, pomegranate, grape and raspberry chrysanthemums
Seven, eight, nine, fruit of the cypress, Amanita ovoid and khaki ...
Copyright: Marianne Ciaudo
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Lic Old Jeevan Suraksha Scheme
top secret! Metamorphosis
I'm quite recently finished a loop very personal project. It is a story written and illustrated by myself. It is only a project for the moment, has not yet editor ... Well, I just wanted to share this with you!

I've just finished a book project Written and illustrated by myself. Hope I could "find a publisher soon ... Enjoy!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Shaved Or Unshaved Penis
I do not know what happened but there have been over a month between my last post and this one! What did I ever do this time to have nothing posted. Yet I did not stay idle, who knows, time escapes me!
short, the most important thing is that I return with news. The image that will have on display at booth home of Illustrateu r salon Montreuil early December. A theme was imposed: prince and princess, enchantment and metamorphosis ... And then gave it to this:

If I take this opportunity to announce that I dedicate (still in Montreuil and I will tell you the dates as soon as I have) the missions of Lord Ken Ott on the stand editions Mic boxes on my Mac and that of enlightenment and discovery. Hoping to see you there!
I do not really know what's Happened, my last post WAS 7 weeks ago! I Was Busy goal I Had Nothing to show you, weird ... Time is running out!
Well, the most important it's my news. This artwork was done for an exhibition with la maison des Illustrateu r for next december during the Children books convention of Montreui l . The theme was : prince and princess, spell and metamorphosis... And that's what I did !
Still in the Children books Convention of Montreu the , I Will dedicate my last book "The missions of Lord Ken Ott," I'll Tell You the goal date soon

Monday, November 1, 2010
Hair Extensions Cinderella
Boy meets boy, teen romance and an ode to tolerance
Boy Meets Boy is a novel American Youth, written in 2003 and not yet translated into French. First novel by David Levithan, the author has since gained notoriety with One night in New York (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist) co-wrote with Rachel Cohn and filmed in 2008.
Boy meets boy recounts the trials and tribulations in love with Paul, a gay high school boy, although in his pomp and his city. Her daily life is divided between his two best friends, Joni, childhood friend, headstrong, and Tony, a quiet boy suffocated by parents too religious. Paul is happy, balanced. And then he meets Noah. The boy has just moved. Charming, artist and with a sensitivity all on edge, still raw after a disappointment in love.
Paul falls in love. Following a misunderstanding, a merdouillage by too much kindness, all in a spin by Paul and Noah loses. Modeled on the scenario tested "meeting, separating, regaining" Levithan sign a simple story and simply beautiful.
Homosexual relations are described without ostentation, with humor and above all tolerance. But even in this fictional world, everyone has no chance of Paul. Tony and his friend, his sexual preferences are considered for his parents as a disease, an aberration that must be eradicated failing to burn in hell. Tony is probably the most emotional character in this novel.
style Levithan, sentences short and punchy, attractive in its freshness and purity. The pictorial vocabulary is never vulgar. He manages to convey the strength of youth: sometimes, the violence of his words peremptory used as a shield or as a lethal weapon, sometimes, the poetry of his vision and the tumult of feelings that a breath of wind wakes.
Levithan does not describe the turmoil of a young heart in love, he manages to evoke in the reader. If my high school years are very distant from reading the novel itself, I remembered. A tidal wave that devastates everything in the blink of an eye, and the next moment everything is calm, frozen in a serenity in harmony with the world.
The dynamic narrative with short chapters leads the reader into his fictional reality embellished. Throughout the pages, one begins to hope that a city such as the book is perfect even in its imperfections, can really exist. Levithan known to use pictures in order to divert. His characters are very colorful endearing. Quickly
stereotypes humanized, take the thickness as Infinite Darlene, drag queen and quarterback who is not afraid to break a nail on the football field. His ego is also oversize and invasive soft cocoon for all his friends. Levithan's characters have the ability to break down barriers, prejudices, go to the essentials to open at the other, give.
A breath of fresh air to feel his heart banging hard, his blood pounding in his veins and invaded without shame gene by love. And, against all odds, a hymn to tolerance.
The author's website:
Boy Meets Boy is a novel American Youth, written in 2003 and not yet translated into French. First novel by David Levithan, the author has since gained notoriety with One night in New York (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist) co-wrote with Rachel Cohn and filmed in 2008.
Boy meets boy recounts the trials and tribulations in love with Paul, a gay high school boy, although in his pomp and his city. Her daily life is divided between his two best friends, Joni, childhood friend, headstrong, and Tony, a quiet boy suffocated by parents too religious. Paul is happy, balanced. And then he meets Noah. The boy has just moved. Charming, artist and with a sensitivity all on edge, still raw after a disappointment in love.
Paul falls in love. Following a misunderstanding, a merdouillage by too much kindness, all in a spin by Paul and Noah loses. Modeled on the scenario tested "meeting, separating, regaining" Levithan sign a simple story and simply beautiful.
Homosexual relations are described without ostentation, with humor and above all tolerance. But even in this fictional world, everyone has no chance of Paul. Tony and his friend, his sexual preferences are considered for his parents as a disease, an aberration that must be eradicated failing to burn in hell. Tony is probably the most emotional character in this novel.
style Levithan, sentences short and punchy, attractive in its freshness and purity. The pictorial vocabulary is never vulgar. He manages to convey the strength of youth: sometimes, the violence of his words peremptory used as a shield or as a lethal weapon, sometimes, the poetry of his vision and the tumult of feelings that a breath of wind wakes.
Levithan does not describe the turmoil of a young heart in love, he manages to evoke in the reader. If my high school years are very distant from reading the novel itself, I remembered. A tidal wave that devastates everything in the blink of an eye, and the next moment everything is calm, frozen in a serenity in harmony with the world.
The dynamic narrative with short chapters leads the reader into his fictional reality embellished. Throughout the pages, one begins to hope that a city such as the book is perfect even in its imperfections, can really exist. Levithan known to use pictures in order to divert. His characters are very colorful endearing. Quickly
stereotypes humanized, take the thickness as Infinite Darlene, drag queen and quarterback who is not afraid to break a nail on the football field. His ego is also oversize and invasive soft cocoon for all his friends. Levithan's characters have the ability to break down barriers, prejudices, go to the essentials to open at the other, give.
A breath of fresh air to feel his heart banging hard, his blood pounding in his veins and invaded without shame gene by love. And, against all odds, a hymn to tolerance.
The author's website:
Copyright: Marianne Ciaudo
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