Born under the magic pencil of Man Arenas, the little faun Gabriel contemplates his world: an island recluse, an Avalon, a refuge. Soon the curious animal is befriends the oldest and wisest of all wizards, Merlin. Only human failure on that piece of land still hovering between myth and reality.
Throughout the pages, Gabriel sharpens his eye, discovers the secrets buried in the memory of the earth, stones, and seasons. Always surprised by the generous beauty of nature, always amazed, he walks.
And we accompany him on trails delicately traced in meadows of wild grasses in the humid caves ... A tale sublime to the text of a touching poem that reminds us of the ephemerality of life and miracles.
This comic, the faun Gabriel Yaxin , is an illustrated poem, a fable happy contemplative and tender. The design and subtle air of Arenas escapes from the cells with blurred and serves a narrative fragmented, slow not hesitate to leave space for breathing. It takes time to read, enjoy writing a text rich without being bombastic or artificial.
Poetry is probably the genre's most thankless, often misunderstood and difficult to handle. Dimitri Vey, writer and author of Yaxin , engraves the words, reduces the barrier between word and meaning to create a song, an ode to dreams.
Yet Yaxin is not a succession of vignettes, scenes of daily meetings in a random collage. A slow but deep leads the reader to follow the footsteps of Gabriel. We smiled at his constant questions to her attention and fluctuating unquenchable curiosity. Gabriel grows, matures. With a history purely contemplative, Arenas and Vey manage to captivate us, we caught up in their dream world.
early December, Manu Arenas was visiting Paris for several book signings. I chose the one that combined his coming with an exhibition of original drawings. The snow was invited for lunch and tea time she had taken his ease in the capital. It numbed and hardened as I arrived at the space Arludik of MK2, in the thirteenth century.
storm behind the windows.
Inside, the beautiful watercolors Yaxin with a leaping Gabriel. Few were brave braved the weather and I had the privilege of having time to chat with Manu Arenas and his lovely wife. A good meeting that gave me the keys to appreciate even more graphic poetry Manu.
Gabriel has blue eyes. On stage, two mischievous black marbles. But in the reality of the tale, where the faunas romp, Gabriel has blue eyes, as the son of Manu. There are emotions and life in these pictures ...
Yaxin is the first comic Arenas who usually works in the animation. Yaxin, with its fabulous designs and full-page illustrations, lots of frames of the comic tradition. Yet this book is not intended as elitist and children, dreamers lonely at all curious about life ... (If arriving here in the text you do not have a burning desire to read it, I missed my article!)
is a personal, intimate even, and I salute the courage of Barbara Canepa and Clotilde Vu, officials Collection Metamorphosis (Sun).
They provide the public with albums including stories, narrative choices or graphic expression would tend to confine them to publishers more independent and less accessible. They also create bridges between illustration, comics and contemporary art. If today it is often difficult to define the genus of a story, the boundary between art and comics also becomes permeable.
Yaxin will probably be a series of three volumes. Manu already has other projects in mind, with projects such as beating heart, poetry ...
Some sites:
Manu Arenas's blog:
His professional site:
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