That the presentation of my thoughts narrow, making collection of drawings JVTFRDLCATP is long and tedious. In addition to printing to produce a share of good quality, I'm shot by existential doubts. They pounded me a low blow. Straight left, bam, uppercuts, and scattered low kick from the edge of the tibia and testis, Bang it hurts. This is to announce my death is drawing a coffin. Yet the encouragement flowing: "Go, your drawings are beautiful," or, "you could have let some for later but it's a beautiful walk "or" you do show a nice summary of characters "or" I love the little lines when they become black masses. "give a damn comment. I 'm at school. What I would like to know if it's really better to print the cover screen. Bah yeah, apart from the fetishism of the printed object is heavier in logistics (purchasing framework, ink, mixed ink, paper purchasing, delivery time very compatible with my maturity, must be available for Miss ge me in his old school to prepare managers find a good niche not to hinder students in their experimental tool, find another person who can help me print because Miss ge saturates its wonderful school it has just been graduated after five years of assiduous study design, managing the shifts and closures, fatigue). So with my Stylus Espson calibrated matte fine print, I print without plugging with fine port, leaving my ass soaked in the bath water. Bah yeah. If the screen is a sure way to print small editions in the best conditions, it is not the case with things edited concerned by this means. So should we move heaven and earth to complicate thinking that my coverage will screen more than aesthetic, moral and pecuniary? No I think I opted for my Stylus. I'm just a 120gr PopSet to buy stationery. I am torn between the Flamingo or Caribbean colors, pink or blue. The cover is signed FF my trusty sidekick.

On this plaintive litany, I bend my back helped coffin of my dear MP
you soon.
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