The most diligent of you probably already know, Martin Riggs and I are working now on a comic book entitled Daedalus (the guy in the history of maze pink is for this book), which participates Monkey, but also Chaff , Albert and many other talented people!
And it is for us has been entrusted the difficult task of achieving the aforementioned cover of the book. Here are three steps 'Achements interesting production of this masterpiece. First a sketch, to get an idea of what we do (and in this specific case, to be endorsed by the editorial team)

Then staining. A great moment of loneliness for me, since it is always at the time that Riggs leading the English to go the drystone walls of the mouth corner to the PMU.

Finally, after having sweated blood and water, we are able to publish the final design for your pleasure, ladies rouflaqueux.

So, next time I'll explain Riggs and Murtaugh how to prepare the tagine with prunes.
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