"Terrans cons cosmists"

Hugo de Garis, researcher at ATR in Kyoto, Japan, the artificial brain will be much smarter than ours. And in fifty, a hundred years the planet will be divided into two camps: the "cosmists, which will welcome the creation of artificial brains to rival and then surpass those of men, and the" Terrans ", which , them, fear that one day we consider computers as superior beings ...
The opposition is therefore not between computers and men but between men themselves ... Hugo de Garis
has built himself a brain with 75 million artificial neurons. The machine the British professor has the distinction of evolution itself! In the Darwinian sense of the term, of course ... Icic, all connections are only between neurons, like the branches of a tree growing.
recently, he left Japan a while to work at Starlab in Brussels, where he created another amazing machine it provided 100 million artificial neurons. Its aim is to achieve a brain with 1 billion artificial neurons.
"With new advances have been made in the field of nanotechnology, we will soon be able to mimic the biological brain," he says.
"Then it will then be the era of artificial embryology! As a baby, when he begins his life with a single cell, has 100 000 billion nine months later, we will soon apply this principle of self-assembling computers embryogenetic ... "continued Dr. clarify de Garis
... We must also remember the shock return of Kevin Warwick, a famous researcher in the field of artificial intelligence, who said this: "The machines will soon be a lot smarter than us. That is why we must become cyborgs, human-computer, to take advantage of their power. It's our only chance, because I do not think that stopping research in this direction is realistic. "
THE" Posthuman "
Introduction In our recent publications we have tried to go loose and the positive outlook of the darker transhumanisation. Through current events and technology watch, we quickly raised a grievance in the concept of posthumanity
... So that we can present this phenomenon as an event that humanity has to prepare to stand firm warning the population of many possible excesses, it is also, as some, grab this philosophy to melt in a sectarian spirit, a mixture of mystical and false promises of positivism.
reminder, we consider that the posthumanity really starts will take place when "the inexorable emergence", or "ultimate convergence" (discussed by Kurzweil) between robotics, nanotechnology and biotechnology.
At that time, artificial evolution will take the place of biological evolution, life nano-electronics "has supplanted the" chemical life ".
Predictions mainly based on Moore's Law and its derivatives, usually the first place successes in this area for 2020. People like Theodore Kaczynski, the mathematician (Unabomber) have tried to impede progress in publishing the already-famous manifesto against industrial society "and murdering scientists, particularly computer scientists.
The phenomenon is not insignificant, Bill Joy, chief scientist at Sun, including one of his friends lost an eye and part of his right hand due to a parcel bomb to Kaczinsky was shocked by reading the manifesto of the latter, it was not until then particular attention to ethical issues surrounding the discipline. Since he advises strongly restrict the search by genetic engineering and nanotechnology, two disciplines that will push the production of objects, more intelligent, by self-replication.
Classified Details ...
Now we will focus on some key issues ... We will first introduce the futility of human post questions ....
In fact, the outlook is too huge for that one begins to get lost in the predictions. We therefore first introduce thinkers, initiators, promoters and philosophies (some are already talking about new religions) of the Omega Point and the Singularity, and predictions of Hugo de Garis fun as an example.
For us humans, the important thing is how the transition happens, the transhumanisation, find ideas for it unfolds as delicately as possible within the next 30 years. The question of what happens after that will have more of our control, these problems will be those intelligences from second generation.
After the singularity?
Intelligence human and technical reach double the computing capacity of the machines every 18 months. If this control is given to technical equipment, a "artificial scientist", it then enters a runaway phenomenon that leads to a singularity of history, we reach a kind of world where each generation is replaced by a new species more intelligent, which would lead us to the deepest limits of physics, in a spiral (post) exp (n)-human, each generation would face the question of its replacement by a more intelligent species to the limits of information storage in our universe until the picotechnologie if necessary, until the rope, it is hardly conceivable to determine what might happen next.
Nanotechnology would build any molecule from any waste, no need for raw materials, nothing is more precious, capitalism has disappeared and gave way to a global collectivism, and global obvious, perhaps controlled by a collective intelligence.
So, apparently, capitalism was simply a vehicle for rapid development to overcome the singularity, it was the best possible system to cause rapid technological progress ....
But one can also imagine a capitalist economy liquid, based solely on information, which would become the new currency, an economy of mind, in a partnership spirit, in an era that Moravec called " Mind Age "?!
After the victory assured against death, there would be more than dealing with the universe, engage in macro-technical shaping the space and time, stars and planets and make the universe, a giant brain, god. God not originally, but at the end of time is what a so-called theory Omega Point, introduced by Frank Tipler. Nothing is really dwell on it, it just looks like a religion reversed if god was not there for us to start throwing, it will at least be there to greet us, we will create, with his intelligence Supreme distant future, his memory and computing capacity infinite, everyone is locked in its perfect simulation, total happiness and eternal paradise permanent. But even God is not immortal, because the Universe will have its own demise, unless we can be even sufficient to compress and stabilize the entire universe, to stem the dark energy and expansion. Avoid cold avoid death, avoid the end of time.
That ...
When one thinks too far, this is what you get, the more assumptions that far-fetched, so now we will simply no longer glimpse of what may happen beyond the Singularity.
problems after the "transcendence" post "singularity" we are complete strangers is a new phase, a new era, we are not at all concerned, it will be the work of super- intelligences. One thing is certain, the Singularity will be held during the 21th century, and we can only grow in two attractors: the self-destruction and transcendence.
Life is undoubtedly on many planets in the universe, the planets that have not been too many climatic shocks, giant asteroid, may have seen the emergence of an intelligent civilization, which developed techniques, the probability is already low. The big question is whether such a society is more likely to self-destruct than to achieve transcendence.
In our humble opinion, we believe the likelihood of achieving transcendence must be of the same order as that lambda a sperm reaches an egg penetrate.
Nature is very cruel, for life to emerge, we need a stable universe with physical laws, find themselves in a solar system over less stable on a planet that is already having a very good configuration relative to a star, then it takes quite a chance to get to civilization, and it takes even more likely this will not disintegrate civilization itself.
Our only concern is as a human to do, to win the game, achieve to pass the Cape of transcendence, history that our poor ancestors are not too dead for nothing, if you are looking for a goal your life, here he is, whatever your career, Here is the first collective work overall. Hugo de Garis encourage you to choose your side, in his vocabulary a bit peculiar.
Supporters' cosmists "want to see the show" artilects "individuals improved and superior in every respect to their biological parents. The "Terran" Conservatives want to prevent at all costs the appearance of these creatures. Unfortunately, with the capitalist system, you really can not stop progress, "Terran" have already lost even before they've really given a standardized name.

Bostrom vs. FUKUYAMA
Lately we have seen a small war between Francis Fukuyama and Nick Bostrom. ...
Fukuyama (the same who decreed the end of history after the fall of the Soviet empire, the last man to be that of the American ideological vision, the same that is part of Bush advisers) discussed in an article recent transhumanism as the worst ideas of the 21th century.
Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford and founder of the World Transhumanism Association (worldwide network of interactions among researchers, students and university professors, advocating the ethical use of technology to increase human capacity) in an article in September 2004 (Transhumanism: THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS IDEA?) responded to these attacks. A human can improve its life, inhibit their emotions, to change, according to his own will? Is it that we can prevent this?
United States in any case, biopreservatives, Republicans generally believe, have drawn up an agenda for action to prevent human capacity to improve its biological ...
Bostrom wonders what's so embarrassing to module authorizes an individual to self-edit. Fukuyama did not mince words: "Transhumanist are just about The Last That group I'd like to see live forever. " He believes that human beings, its original essence, the color of his skin, his intelligence, his features are the foundation of the liberal system. Laws, politics and economics, are not compatible with individual liberty, to equality of opportunity. Fukuyama is therefore a shortcut rather questionable: The transhumanist ideas would endanger the capitalist system and the equality of men. Bostrom has demolished these arguments quite easily, the fact improve memory, change appearance, increase its shelf life, control his emotions, to add functions, does not call into question the moral principles of individual and therefore does not continue to defend the ideals of equality.
In this little war, nobody had really care to ask the right question: Is the capitalist system is it best to accommodate advances in transhumanisation?
It is certainly not difficult to imagine that these technological advances will not in any way improve the social fractures (15% of the population has the 4 / 5 of global GDP and this difference increases over time), in addition to being rich, wealthy families will live longer and be even smarter.
From our side, we believe that posthumanity will exacerbate inequalities, but we can not prevent a human to improve if we want to pretend to be a democracy, that's the whole issue of the situation, the quasi-paradox .
Fukuyama became the figurehead of the anti-technological intelligentsia, also wrote a book in which he castigates the progress and advises quickly impose laws to prevent any drift towards the posthumanity.
Fukuyama's mistake is to focus too much on biotechnology, and forget the computer and nano-technology, with potential much larger (nano-technology will reconfigure a brain neuron by neuron, creating powerful computers, creating nano-robots antibodies in medicine, to create new types of materials ...). One can also argue as Eliezer Yudkowsky, and concentrate fully, without worrying about the consequences of the ultimate convergence, or as he calls it: the "Singularity."
Should still make it to the singularity Jacques Blamont retort! The United States, with their political power, have all the cards to be the first nation to have the tools to pass the course. Europe with his cowardice, his lack of consistency on defense and research and development has all the appearance of being doomed to become a puppy from the USA.
Blamont predicted a world divided into two, the West and the rest of the world, the world rushing into the guerrillas, the NetWare, the illicit manufacture of weapons.
At that, he adds diseases, environmental failure. The current world situation is the worst possible nest hatch to see any posthumanity!
Mankind had a choice between change and evolve or self-destruct. Blamont promises the Apocalypse ... The Singularity black hole becomes Blamont. That is something quite disturbing.

a little bit smart and educated is confronted sooner or later. Our economic system in times of instability and war, pushing technology to emerge. When they are there, it is quite mandatory to use them.
We come here to our dependence on technology, do not we create a system where machines dominate us?
We say at the outset: the answer is yes!
Law Gabor clearly tells us: "Everything possible will be necessarily true," the individual influenced by economic competition, social situation in the middle, will be forced to become a "user" or a "technician" of the object, or even a scientist developing a theory of "pure", but will be eventually broken down into a technology.
The "subject" human creation, in a sense, a life own, outside of one's life, one can interpret a human life as a vector of transmission, development of the object. The object survives the individual. The human activity has created so-called artificial (the economy according to Herbert Simon is an artificial activity, a system that adjusts relative to internal and external parameters produces appropriate adaptive behaviors), once again, these systems artificial, these self-adaptive systems, surviving individuals.
A solution would be to treat humans not as individuals but as part of a "super agency" with a "conscience Superior "...
The concept of technology might well be regarded as being central to human activity, whether the economy is making progress in technology. The comfort of all, the ethics surrounding the use of any technique would be an illusion, objects multiply, and ultimately, the "super-organism" that can be called "humanity" continues to carry out his plan: populate the environment of networks of objects immortal. From In general, individualism is an illusion.
last great human creation date, internet, study subject almost infinite. More and more scientists claim that we are in a meta-mutation, the internet will become a virtual super-organism. Each individual brings his play to the building.
Some agencies have tried to master "the beast", with projects such as espionage massive Echelon, the military has realized the importance of this network which will soon extend to all objects (the new IP standard will give an IP address to all objects of the Earth, the car in the microwave), and will be, via mobile phone, this constantly on ("in") every human being. Internet will tend gradually to the status of a super-intelligent global basis a primordial universe, a kind of information universe where human consciousness would eventually agree, this is resonating well with the new cosmological theories that see the information and awareness the real bricks of the Universe equipment.
Dominique Lecourt. "People Post Human". Presses Universitaires de France. 2003. Jean-Paul
Baquiast. "Consciousness primary and higher consciousness in the super-organisms". 2004.
Valentin F. Turchin. "The Phenomenon of Man: A Cybernetic Approach to Human Evolution". 1977.
Herbert A. Simon. "The sciences of the artificial (3rd edition). Folio Essais. 1996.
Jacques Blamont. "Introduction to the century threats." 2004. Theodore
Kaczinsky. "The manifesto against industrial society." http://www.unabombertrial.com
Francis Fukuyama. "Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution". London, Profile Books. (2002)
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky. "Peering the Singularity." http://yudkowsky.net/singularity.html

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