Many biotechnological research currently focuses on the human limbs deficient. Rehabilitation Centre and Apparatus Valanton (Paris region), arm amputees and relearn to drive, to tie their shoelaces, to handle a drink or to write using the electric member, albeit still quite unattractive but perfectly functional, which has been grafted. This prosthesis, that is indistinguishable at first sight of the classic versions, is equipped with electrodes to excite the patient, by an effort of concentration, a nerve at the top of the shoulder. Then definitely a bionic arm that goes into action. In the Scientific American magazine , experts are quick to announce tomorrow that such prostheses will have a real ability to move, but they "transmit pain and especially recover the sense of touch."
It is true that level of tactility, a technique developed in Denmark already allows subjects to feel nervous system damaged objects again: "The cells located on the hands touch the patient communicate their messages to electrodes placed around a nerve receptor . [Therefore], a patient who required only eat the worst efforts can talk quietly with his neighbor at the table when he takes his meals. "
In 2001, a neurobiologist Hungarian Jeno Pali, has meanwhile developed an artificial skin that has a connection to the nervous system. Once dressed in the skin, a prosthesis labor becomes "capable of detecting with high precision shapes and designs to surfaces, and to grasp objects with the appropriate pressure without letting them slip. The amputee can therefore benefit from a near-normal dexterity. "
Regarding locomotion, the most dramatic initiative is put to the credit of Professor Pierre Rabischong (Montpellier), which coordinates the European "Stand Up and Walk" (SUAW).
In 1999, a paraplegic and has received an electronic implant allowing him to "walk again" ... This man totally paralyzed lower body Following a car accident, is now able to get up and move his legs one after another. A case containing a microchip has been implanted in the abdomen.
This stimulator is connected (by steel cables coated with Teflon) electrodes attached to nerves in four and six leg muscles. An outer casing containing a timer is attached to his walker. Buttons placed on handles allow it, the push to activate the stimulator and to transmit simple orders such an advance, accelerate, decelerate, change direction. The electrical pulses generated muscle contractions that allow it to move. The computer and its programs outside substituted instructions locomotor brain that usually enliven our members. Marc Merger, who considers himself a "modest prototype", moves only in his home and takes it to state, "like a young old man".
Even if the experiment is striking and moving, it is not a miracle, the patient remains paraplegic. So researchers are skeptical about the future of these advances, they prefer to focus research on regeneration and stimulation of the spinal cord. As for the U.S. scientists involved in the pathway of electrical stimulation, they are now trying to implant microchips directly into the brain, to amplify neural signals and then transmit them to a computer, then to the muscles via electrodes .
neural prostheses - says Dr. William J. Heetderks (director NIH) - are "devices designed to provide information to the nervous system or, conversely, produce and make him pass."
directly connected to the brain, these prostheses sensory expected to replace "organic systems much more complex than just a member" (such as sight, hearing, smell, balance, memory or ...), develop hypersen ( like see wavelengths in the infrared).
Thus, biotechnology do they give rise to experiments aimed at overcoming some or sensory impairments (logical repair) is to increase the perceptual capacities of the human body (sense amplifier).
Common to all these attempts is the use of advanced computer technology, which is now seeking to link to the organization.

The best-known attempts to integrate human-machine interface design or human-machine remains the pioneering experience of cybernetics Kevin Warwick, the University of Reading (Great Britain), who, August 25, 1998, had "been put under the skin a glass capsule containing an electromagnetic coil and some microprocessors. This device, he wore a ten-day permit to locate precisely in the building where his laboratory. He could also control various machines of its environment (open doors, lighting, etc..). When he arrived at his office in the morning, a synthetic voice emitted by the micro content in his arm he wanted to "hello", he pointed out new e-mail and read it aloud. In an interview with Spiegel, Warwick gave two examples of this "type of implant," one trivial: the implant could be a credit card (no need to retain a number of code ...)
In addition, Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics, envisaged it not to feed the brain with signals from sensors of ultrasound to study its reactions: "For me, that would be nice if the ultrasound triggered by such a tingling in my nose when I risk bumping into some thing ".
According to him, have babies, at birth, such an additional meaning would be perfectly "able to interpret this stimulation as a sensory impression" .
Warwick, also planned to exchange signals and emotions with his wife by proxy chips! In theory, the implanted chip in his arm should recognize the nerve messages passing through his body in the form of electrical signals. It would then communicate this message through the Internet to a second chip implanted in the arms of his sweetheart (Irena). Qu'adviendrat then? Mystery and gumdrop: if the teacher gets angry, or if he accidentally cut his wife feel she a strange sensation in the forearm?
If successful, Warwick spouse can claim the invention of the internet by telepathy!
Daniela Cerqui followed the first man who has a chip implanted in his arm, Kevin Warwick ...

After thirty years of research, the Dobelle Institute Zurich has developed a machine vision system.
A micro camera, housed in the lenses of a pair of sunglasses, takes images which are then traitéespar a computer worn on the belt. From here, electrical impulses are sent through a cable to a housing fixed on the skull where a connection is established with 68 electrodes (made of platinum wire 1 mm in diameter). These electrodes stuck on a metal plate placed on the surface of the visual cortex, directly stimulate the brain.

In June 2002, at the 48th Congress of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs on the (New York), Dr William Dobelle has ensured that one of his patients had been able to drive a car "slowly and private property." Confident, he added: "When our technology has been improved and is less expensive, Braille become obsolete, the white cane will become obsolete and guide dogs will become obsolete as surely as the planes have replaced the steamboats. "
With his team, he announced that a functional artificial eye was now commercially available, and could be implemented for the sum of $ 75,000 (new systems, more efficient, to be available soon for $ 98,000).
Other neurologists working on visual prostheses directly connected to the optic nerve. And even if it seems out of question to establish one day a camera directly into the eye (especially given the "enormous problems of biological compatibility), or replace the eye with an image sensor (which destroys the optic nerve), work microphotodiodes implantation (for capturing images) are currently being conducted in Germany, Great Britain and the United States.
These "aids" Retinal can be placed either inside the lens or within the eyeball, is still in the posterior region of the eye near the optic nerve, and so instantly transmit it to the recorded signals.
An artificial retina has been designed by two neuro-ophthalmologist at Harvard. The implant surgically installed in the back of the eye, is composed of hundreds of electrodes which will stimulate the retinal cells. The patient wears a pair of spectacles fitted with a micro-camera and a small laser (incorporated with glasses) who receives "Images taken by the camera and [converts] the light information into electrical signals before forwarding them to the implant. This, in turn, [active] ganglion cells of the retina, which [register] the sensation of the captured image and the [forward] to the brain, where it will be seen as virtual image
. "
The "first attempt at electrical connection to the optic nerve" has it been done in Belgium ... A woman is now equipped with a draft of artificial eye: "A micro-camera mounted on a pair of glasses, a small bag encased electronics at the waist and above all, a group of electrodes attached to his optic nerve.
Eventually, an antenna must be placed on his skull to replace the inelegant son coming out of his skin. The patient 's leads "to distinguish from simple geometric forms," while researchers try, talking with her, to interpret the sensations associated with each type of electrical pulse. Thus they learn "to match the points of the image provided by the video camera with each area of the visual field reconstructed in the brain.
However, these technologies may not be offered to persons who, although it compromises total blindness, "may have seen during their lives. This is essential to their nervous system can learn to analyze the images."
The Hearing


In 2000, a laboratory had announced the development of an electronic nose for detection of 15 fresh fish! If these "nose" artificial imitate human smell still so rough that some Scientists believe that this technology could be rapidly incorporated into the human. Once miniaturized and transplanted into the nose (but that could just as well be in another part of the body), these sensors could help detect odors flavors unknown, but also detect toxic fumes ... "These devices are designed to smell odors that we can not or do not want to receive, such as landmines or rotten food. "
Taste Taste is, too, the subject of extensive investigation. If scientists do not yet to manufacture an artificial language that can be grafted, they work to design electronic tongue, a "e-language" which could be used to sample the quality of a wine or analyze viruses.
"As the artificial nose, this language uses chemical sensors that operate as many taste buds to analyze artificial fluids disgusting or dangerous." A language that could enjoy new flavors, but also (and especially) if alert removals eminently dangerous bacteria.
Thus, in Pittsburgh, researchers at the company Cellomics strive to develop a biochip possible to "identify biological warfare agents. The device, nicknamed " canary on a chip " is a silicon chip covered with living nerve cells taken from insects. Most bacteria that can be used by "bioterrorist" secrete neurotoxins. In case of attack the nerve cells are affected first. If they are arranged on a silicon chip, the news of the attack can be relayed quickly ". This logic
nanochips implantation or transplantation, which allow computer or amplify perceptions or sensory function to restore a failing is one aspect of research among the most innovative. Miniaturization, computer literacy, use of neural connections make it possible to envisage a cybernetic organism present or restored. However, other avenues of research are being developed are part of the artificial production of natural organs.
Culture of Organs and body kit
Because at the Bio-Engineering, the research goes even further by making a sort of somatoculture.
Cultivated with care, our cells are indeed able to rebuild new tissue. So it is now conceivable to grow whole organs (such as liver, heart or kidney) in test tubes. According to several researchers, "eventually all replaceable organs will be developed in the laboratory. Skin, cartilage, some nerves, fingers and gall bladders have already been manufactured.
In his article, "My little finger has grown in the lab" , Josie Glausiusz how bio-engineers get such bodies: first, they begin to draw a blank by computer, then from of then build a support structure for three-dimensional artificial polymers.
This porous plastic frame is designed to accommodate human cells, physically trapped inside the tiny holes. Enzymes are used to "encourage the blood to provide nutrients. [...] As the tissue grows, the polymers dissolve. Finally, the structure remains in place is composed almost entirely of human cells. It is therefore better able to deceive the vigilance of the immune system. Bio-hybrid arteries have been obtained from a structure tubular been relocated inside pigs where they "have remained functional for nearly a month."
The ultimate goal is to "develop a comprehensive body using the patient's cells as raw material."
These "spare organs" (made from the culture of "double embryo" of oneself) would perform transplants "on demand", while eliminating the risk of rejection: "The stem cells are those recipient, the transplanted organ would be fully compatible. "
More futuristic yet, construction is planned Artificial Organs autonomous allowing outsourcing of functions such as making ...
At Harvard, a surgeon (Anthony Atala) works "on an artificial uterus that would outsource the pregnancy in a woman who can not (or will) not be his child."
It has already succeeded in "making" a dog's bladder by growing cells on a polymer scaffolding that dissolves when the cells formed a tissue. This bladder has worked for a year! Extracorporeal pregnancy does not seem to be a utopia.
Meanwhile, the team of Professor Yoshinori Kuwabara of the university of Jutendo (Tokyo) perfects "the first artificial womb operational world - a clear plastic tank filled with amniotic fluid stabilized at body temperature. She kept alive, while developing them, "during ten days of goat fetus, by connecting their umbilical cords to two machines for placenta, which the blood supply, oxygen and nutrients while eliminating waste . If the plastic womb is still in prototype stage, Kuwabara provides a fully functional artificial womb may become a reality in less than six years. "
Initially, this technique could be used to save very premature babies, or when it is necessary to remove the womb of fetal patients, may thus be more easily monitored.
Moreover, in late 2001, researchers from Cornell University announced that they have managed to create an artificial uterine lining. Their goal: to create a womb full transplantable to overcome infertility problems. In 2001, surgeons grafted Kentucky a prototype artificial heart comprehensive and fully independent from a patient suffering from heart failure serious.
The "new" body is a replica, made of titanium and polyurethane, a "true" heart, with valves, cavities, ventricles, able to eject blood into the bloodstream. The prosthesis, called "AbioCor" (the company name the manufacturer), is equipped with a miniaturized motor connected to a small internal battery (with a battery life of 20 to 30 minutes during which the patient is totally autonomous)
Finally, in 2030, scientists believe can be the injection of brain cells in culture, transplantation of testicular artificial penis and even heads. Such an operation has already been achieved in the years 60-70 on rhesus monkeys by Robert White, a neurosurgeon at the University of Cleveland.
Not without success, because the primates have survived several months with their new head (which is no small thing if one remembers that the first human who received a heart transplant in 1967, died, he, seventeen days after the historic feat of Dr. Barnard Christiann).
In 1999, the monkey head transplant physician, who was then 73 years, announced want to do the same with humans. Head transplant, or, equivalently but seems better perceived by the people, the "whole body transplant" (minus the head), and would replace body whose state of disrepair (due to old age , disease or prolonged immobility forced) ultimately results in the death of the subject.
Patients whose body is paralyzed often die of organ failure, "a new body would allow them to live longer and wait for a (still hypothetical) repair of the spinal cord. "
For Robert White, "it is likely that people with cancer but who are not paralyzed volunteer, even if after the operation, they are nailed on a bed watching talk shows or listen to Mozart. Some people are so afraid of death they would accept being a head on a pillow. "
It is easy to understand what basis such research. On the one hand, they are made by socially legitimate anxiety generated by the degeneration of the body, disease and death. Then they are justified - a scientific perspective and medical - for the sake therapeutic exploring all means to restore, replace or compensate for a faulty function.
But there are other perspectives that are not located within
these projects. If they explore, they also open possibilities for the evolution of techno, they are not just for the purpose of repairing the body "damaged" but with the ambition to increase the functionality of the body healthy.
In theory, it now seems possible that a living exchange through his body, information with a computer through casual contact. The "PAN (Personal Area Network) could be used for all transactions involving the transfer of data.
This technology "modem human" like Fluctuat.net describes the site, based on the excellent capabilities of the conductive body may, as a copper cable covered by an electric current of low intensity, transmit information at a rate of several hundreds of thousands of pulses per second.
When a person wearing a transmitter enters into contact with another person, or with a device equipped with a receiver, the circuit will close and a current pass imperceptibly on the surface of a body to another. The information can then be discharged to a computer or stored permanently on the receiver board. The human planning, in effect, to incorporate more and more robotic components to amplify his abilities, develop the potential unsuspected, or more prosaically to better protect themselves from contemporary fears (attacks, kidnapping, pedophilia, etc.)..
A simple chip grafted under the skin may allow identification of its bearer data containing very specific.
Since 2000, an American family has become the "family Cyborg", since its members have been introducing an electronic chip (the size of a grain of rice) in the forearm. The chip operates here as a radio transmitter.
When activated by a scanner, it delivers an "identification code" which, when introduced into a computer database, provides access to medical records of the individual.

In France, since July 2001, the law permits subcutaneous injection (using a syringe may be) of a chip which contains an identification number (readable with a reader radio waves). The chip is considered "clean, fast, attractive."
interface human-machine reliability, while the tattoo may fade (or be stolen dog's ears cut off ...). Today more than a quarter of dogs are mother and chipped. These transponders could
primarily serve Argos and help identify and then find people kidnapppées or lost (seafarers, explorers, etc.).. It also seems that he, expect for the company Applied Digital Solutions s: "Insert the product through animals in order to familiarize people with the idea for this implant.
the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration recently opened the way for its marketing in deciding recently that the product did not need to be regulated, since it does not contain medical information. It has authorized the company to launched its product promotion in humans in financial goals, security and personal identification. The
"chipmobile" therefore share promotional tour across the United States, with a catchy slogan "Get Chipped!" . The cost of the implant? U.S. $ 200 plus $ 10 monthly fee for maintenance of the database. But for this promotional campaign, the first 100 000 purchasers will receive a $ 50 discount on the "installation fee".
October 30, 2002 already, ADS preparing to demonstrate the effectiveness of a cookie sophisticated named "Digital Angel" : The chip is equipped with a satellite positioning system GPS. Powered by a battery recharged from muscle contractions, the component should integrate biosensors to monitor the health of the patient. The assembly is encapsulated in an inert material and the size of a coin of 5 cents. The signals are picked up by receiving stations spread over the territory, like the mobile phone networks.
the sake of energy savings, the chip works only intermittently. It is activated by an acoustic signal emitted by the wearer in distress or automatically in case of measuring a biological parameter of concern. To prevent, for example, the doctor prepares a heart attack. "Digital Angel can be activated remotely," using radio signals if the victim is unconscious or too young to trigger the beacon. "
The "VeriChip" seems destined for a very bright future, especially in Brazil, where the hostage-taking has become a common practice now extends to the middle classes. The police could then locate the victim and act effectively ... To take advantage of this "electronic bodyguard", it will cost 1 000 reals (or 493 euros) and payment of a monthly subscription. The Brazilian distributor of this kind of barcode human (because that can be used to run an identity card) also expects a large demand

"Think of pedophiles." As these people are released, no one wants as a neighbor. Perhaps the company she would be more reassured if they had a microchip implanted. It could lead a safer life ... "This idea
moreover been taken recently by the British government plans to give the pedophiles of this type of implant.
Hilary Benn, the British official responsible for overseeing pedophiles, reveals that a team of researchers from the Department of the Interior "actively investigating" the possibility of surgically inserting a microchip under the skin silicone pedophiles out of prison.
This chip would allow pedophiles to locate through the use of a satellite, and alert police if they are near a field at risk such as a school. It would also monitor blood pressure and heart rate, providing a factor indicating if acting out imminent.
By implanting electrodes in the three thin cortex of a rat, and the harnessing of an "electronic control center" miniaturized, it is possible to control the animal from a computer keyboard. The rat-robot (or roborat) receives at progressively advanced his "instructions" it requires to move, and may even be forced to borrow paths unusual or dangerous (or to "ignore a female to pursue its mission"!). A signal sent
virtually gives the impression that something tickles rat mustache right, or comes into contact with his left stranded (solicited by the electrode).
A third, stuck in the "pleasure center" can be rewarded by an intense sensation and increase their motivation to move forward. Well controlled and equipped with a camera
body modification technology
Towards Telepathy miniature electronics, these little beasts could be useful to search for survivors in the rubble. But they could equally well serve as spies breaking into secret places or carry explosive charges ...
This robotic manipulation of living is only one aspect of the connection between mind and machine, where the signals leave the hardware (the computer) to the wetware (brain). More complex and promising research following the reverse path, when the thought alone is capable of controlling the machine.
Computers transmitting the thoughts of people deprived of any possibility of communication (verbal and body) are, in effect, being developed in various research centers. At the University of Tübingen (Germany) Two men, victims of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, can not even blink, were able to communicate by giving "instructions to a computer by thought alone."
Two electrodes placed on their head record the brain's electrical activity, while a screen they can see the recorded EEG. Thus did they learn to make a positive or negative electrical signal "as a result of their mere will." Therefore it they can use a dictation machine that displays successively the two halves of the alphabet. If the desired letter appears the patient sends a positive signal, the computer displays half of the designated part of the alphabet, and so on, until finally a letter is selected. At the rate of one letter every thirty seconds, it took sixteen hours [one patient] to write his first letter.
Johnny Ray is another volunteer human guinea pig on which is a sophisticated "device control cortex" transform brain activity into movements remotely. Since the stroke which hit him in January 1998, this former navvy is totally paralyzed. He sees, hears, but can neither speak nor move. He survives, walled prison in a body no longer needed - victim of locked-in syndrome (or syndrome of confinement).
Yet when he manages to overcome his fatigue and pain, Ray control a computer by the power of his mind, thanks to an electronic device implanted in his brain. The system "captures his brain signals and relays them to a processor [which] translates [...] in order interpretable by a computer.
Johnny Ray participates, since March 1998, an exceptional experience led the team of Professor of Neurology Philip Kennedy of Emory University in Atlanta and Melody Moore, a professor of computer science at the University State of Georgia at that time, two "neurotrophic electrode" were implanted in the motor cortex of Ray (where are the cells controlling different muscle groups). Each electrode consists of a hollow glass cone of about 1.5 mm long and 0.1 to 0.4 mm in diameter containing two filaments Gold can record the presence of a current low impedance.
cones are covered with nerve tissue extracts of the patient's knee. The film "Neurotrophic" (which restores tissue) stimulates cell growth.
Within three months after implantation (within the zone of the cortex associated with hand movements), the dendrites of neurons surrounding the electrodes are related to tissues which have recovered in the cone of glass, including creating " a sort of mini-brain ". So when Ray believes certain types of gestures, the electrodes pick up signals from neurons. These signals are transmitted via a miniaturized transmitter amplifier housed in the skull, the computer that translates them into cursor movements.
"We have placed the computer mouse in the brain of the patient" , summarizes the neurosurgeon (Roy Bakay) who performed the implant, without being able to explain how the patient manages to control signals from his brain .
However, we should not believe that John at ease with this "mouse" efforts that must be performed are laborious and exhausting quickly. He first learned to simply point the cursor to click on icons (like the image of an ice cube) and thus trigger an electronic voice (in this case: "I thirst"). Then he managed to "line up three or four letters per minute.
Today, despite the complexity of the operation, Johnny Ray is able, his eyes riveted on the screen of his computer, move a cursor icons, and icons to click on them. By controlling mentally
a virtual keyboard, he formed the words, sentences, answers questions, takes short conversations with his interlocutors. He even plans to surf the Internet, has an e-mail (@ mindspring.com johnny.ray) and wants to communicate with the world. Changes in technology and equipment
Philip Kennedy, for whom "non-medical applications are immense," has meanwhile been contacted by the Pentagon, but has refused any cooperation
Pracontal Michel believes that linking brain / computer has an enormous potential. The implantation in the brain of a miniature transceiver could connect us directly to the web, we liaise with the telephone network and allow us to communicate messages through sheer force of thought: "That would be the electronic telepathy ".
An alternative (smaller) is advanced by a researcher at the Helsinki Telephone Company: "Some wireless devices, implanted in the throat and ears, to communicate our thoughts without make aloud . "
In early summer 2002, two British inventors have also presented at the Science Museum in London a prototype mobile phone locating in a molar. The device grafted into the tooth can receive phone calls, listen to music, or even connect to audio sites on the Canvas discreetly. The machine consists of a wireless receiver at low frequency and a device that converts sound signals into vibrations directly from the tooth to the inner ear. Only problem, if the user's "touch phone" may well hear his correspondent, he can not even answer him.
In "The Age of Spiritual Machines , the American computer scientist Ray Kurzweil believes that from the middle of the century, " neuro-biocompatible implants will increase at will the computing capacity and memory brain. Liaisons direct links between the human brain and the computer will also scan the contents of each brain and transfer the memories and personality of the individual in a database. "
In an article in Time (New York), he examines the skills needed for a computer to achieve a human level of intelligence (including the ability to react to an emotional stimulus)
At the same volume, the raw power of information processing should be immeasurably superior that the human brain, including the replacement of silicon chips by carbon nanotubes. The software part of intelligence, meanwhile, would be achieved by copying the plans of the brain to reverse engineer it. The brain is scanned from the inside by billions of nanobots, sent to explore the lower cervical and hair close-up study in detail all nervous. Eventually could be made "highly detailed maps of the characteristics of neurons, synapses and neural connections. It would then be possible to "recreate the neural connections in computers advanced enough" that from that moment, at breakneck speed will exceed the level of human intelligence. From
Meanwhile, humans, by merging with its own technological advances may also extend the scope of his thinking and experience. Of "intelligent nanobots" implanted in our brains will swell to capacity, so increasing our prodigious memory and [...] improving on suspicion of all our sensory capabilities, logical, and cognitive. (Or do completely the opposite, according to the manufacturer's tastes). They give us the opportunity primarily to immerse ourselves completely in a virtual reality as detailed as the "real" reality, replacing data provided by our senses by real artificial flows of sensory data [...], creating a virtual environment that responds to the total behavior of our own virtual body (and that of others) in this environment.
Everyone can live any experience with any other person without having to be in the same place it.
As these implants can communicate with each other through a wireless LAN, interconnect or disconnect at will, they will create new hybrid networks (both biological and non-living).
From 2030, it will not even need a surgical procedure to implant these nanorobots that can be injected into the body or even just ingested. [...] The distinction will [then] increasingly blurred between brain entirely artificial copies will be highly improved human brains and human brains heavily implanted nanobots programmed differently. The question of which of the computer or human being, is the smartest will be meaningless, since the two have merged. For Ray Kurzweil
"The logical conclusion of all this is a brain kept alive artificially on life support that would control batteries of powerful computers. What a nightmare! "
For the moment, and until the merger and alliance between neurons and silicon is carried out, and that arise from cybiont, advances in miniaturization and telecommunications can connect intimately and inextricably to human the computer.
Since 1980, Steve Mann (Professor of Computer Science at the University of Toronto) is testing prototypes of wearable computers: computer or computer-to-wear skinnable, also known by some cyber
The frame of his glasses is now equipped with a tiny camera attached to a tiny computer. The assembly is connected by radio to his laboratory and moving images transmitted directly to its website. It then becomes possible to reply by e-mail that appears on these lenses futuristic binoculars. His wife can see him along the shelves of the supermarket where he runs errands, and guide its choice ... This camera-telescope could easily be equipped with face recognition software that whisper in the ear the name and position of the interviewees, and any other relevant information about them ...
goggles memory incorporating this type of data has actually been designed to help people with Alzheimer's disease. The camera is then connected to a database containing some familiar faces, which displays their name when these people enter the field of view of patients. Obviously, all these gadgets are interested, again, highly secure industry and the military.

In a newspaper interview Le Monde , Hugo de Garis (researcher artificial intelligence) delivered in 1999, his perception of social cleavages to come, the day when humans take their place either in the camp of "Terran" (denying the machine development and evolution of human cybiont) or in that of "cosmists" (who, having chosen to modernity, choosing to live together with robots themselves by becoming cyborgs).
"We see emerging what I call" artilects "(artificial intellects) massively intelligent machines, and which will become much more than us. [...] The issue of dominant global politics, the twenty-first century, it will : Humanity should or should not build artilects?
We imagine that the answer is between two ideological visions, passionate, violent, those who build artilects is the destiny of mankind, which will have a cosmic vision, and another group - we call them "Terrans" - which fear that artilects not decide one day that mankind is damaging and that we must destroy. With their superior intelligence, it would be very easy. [...] The artilects will grow as the computer industry and the military - particularly frightened American by the rise of China - have an interest. "
To be continued ...
article: Esmeralda and Maxence Grugier

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