Monday, February 28, 2011

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"Transhumanism": A NEW STEP FOR HUMANITY!

For supporters of transhumanism, Fusion man / machine is inevitable and allow humanity to take a further step towards its future. For the evolution of humanity can not go in another direction than that which unite man to the machine, technology that will make him the "new man", a human "improvement" that will be more fully is human, but rather "transhuman".

transhumanism MET HUMANITY AT RISK!

A specter is haunting our century
transhumanism "is the most dangerous ideology of our time" supports the famous American thinker Francis Fukuyama ...

Transhumanism is the ideology which poses "the most risk to the welfare of mankind, "says Francis Fukuyama, one of the best known American intellectuals. He was responding to a question from the American journal "Foreing Policy" , which received responses from eight American scientists opposing the infiltration sneaky and dangerous "NBIC" (Nano-Bio-informatico-Cognitive) in the environment ... The scientists believe that the transhumanist movement has assumed a considerable extent, working in the shadows, in secret, and that their ambitions of a world where humans and machines are in harmony, humanity is in peril!

They feel it is time to sound the alarm because they believe it is now possible with new technologies to subject humanity to a totalitarian form of control, because these technologies can serve as tools of subordination, alienation and servility.


mdd tv Nanotechnology
sent sustainable-development. - The News International video.

MAKING "nanos"

How to make a public nanotechnology?
sent chermau . - Current time on video.


transhumanism in Question?
sent Enquest . - The Info Live Video.

source of inspiration and information:


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