"This ideology the most dangerous of our time " supports the famous American thinker Francis Fukuyama ...

A specter is haunting our century:" transhumanism "
Transhumanism is the ideology which poses" the greatest risk to the well being of humanity, "says Francis Fukuyama, one of the best known American intellectuals. He was responding to a question from the American magazine "Foreing Policy", which received responses from eight American scientists who published them in their issue of September-October 2004. Now a new warning is given by the same scientists ...
Transhumanism + CAPITALISM = DANGER!
Transhumanism as such is so marginal that it might seem ridiculous to talk about. Yet we're back in the age of transhumanism ... there will be a clear before and after. As we had pre-history and history with the invention of writing.
Transhumanism is the man who acquires the ability to modify itself through technology. Advances in science are such that it becomes within reach. Even if for now we are only infancy, recent events give us the opportunity to talk in very concrete ways: scientists have succeeded in reversing the effects of age on mice. It does not mean they live longer, but cons, they are younger longer! Imagine keeping your "30 years" until you die. It is not there yet, not right away. But it is what it is .... It
, but also many other startling innovations, such as merging man and machine, which is a very promising field as Kevin Warwick is a researcher who is the first human to locate the "extensions". Some help restore sight or motor skills to sick / injured, others can make a kind of telepathy through neurochips ... But it can be used maliciously so. We must add all the discoveries in the nano also have great potential. Of course the road is still long.
All these applications are part of NBIC: Nano-technology Bio-Cognitive-informatico. And those who support these technologies support the "transhumanist movement".
In themselves, these technologies are neither good nor evil. They are neutral, and everything will depend only the use made of it ...
According to our prediction: We will find ourselves in a world of "Gattaca"!
We will find ourselves with a company like "Metropolis", "1984" or "Brave New World" with a eugenics elite, esoteric, inspirational Hollywood, led by master omnipotent.
In fact there already is!
As to the "transhumanist movement" was the firstfruits now with the iPhone, which, although not an implant, can be connected to the internet constantly and benefit from its services any where. We are already socially handicapped, and sometimes professionally if we did not have access to his facebook / GPS in every situation! You tell me, he must live with the times, nobody can do without cell phone today. Yes, certainly. All is not rejected in principle. But at the same time, the USA, all young women who can afford to do redo the breasts. The human is he trying to distort? In the process of dehumanization?

We have nothing against technology, we believe that the cons by technological innovations should be developed to serve humanity, not against it, or to dominate ...
Anyway, like it or not, that's tomorrow! We reached the point of no return ... We have been checkmate! We can not turn back ... We can only see our masterful defeat ...
technologies that will take place, will surpass all understanding!

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