Prices of commodities have increased by 40% to the companies to supermarkets. It was announced that prices of food and energy sources will increase by a jump!
While prices are rising, real wages (after taxes and various fees, rent, water and electricity) have not increased for 20 years, and employees do not enjoy the fruits of growth, despite the fantastic profits made by companies.
Today, the salary of a majority of employees is barely enough for daily survival. Previously, only the poor were unemployed.
With the "new economic order", it has become normal to be working poor.
Meanwhile, multinational companies have posted profits recordsqui essentially to actionaires, rarely to investment, and never to employees.
2 - two weights and two measures for employees and business leaders
The wage gap has become astronomical. Moreover, when an employee commits any fault, it is dismissed without pity. Most often, it is even dismissed without fault.
Meanwhile, leaders who have ruined their businesses retain their positions even receiving a salary increase ...

According to the Constitution and Bill of Rights of 1789, justice is the same for everyone. The reality is very different now.
So we always give more freedom to businesses, the average citizen is subjected to police repression increasingly oppressive, and regulations become more stringent. The slightest mistake on his part, sanctions are ruthless.
Recently, a motorist was sentenced to 2 years in jail for a speeding ticket that does not cause an accident. A mother may be sentenced to four months in jail if her children did not go to school. And Jose Bove has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for having rescued transgenic corn plants in a field.
At the same time, and in cases which have caused injuries far more serious, political elites and economic benefit from systematic impunity. Thus, Jean-Claude Trichet (former president of the Banque de France and member of the Bilderberg Group) has been "completely cleared" about the embezzlement of CL. Similarly, Roland Dumas has escaped a conviction in the case of Elf-Aquitaine, Taiwan frigates and their kickbacks. And in the case of the "tainted blood", the Health Minister Edmond Herve was convicted a few months in prison, but was "exempted from punishment by a court. Etc, etc. ...
4 - L e gap between high taxes and inefficient growing state services
Despite the poor public services, taxes remain at high levels. By adding the income tax, local taxes, tax property, and taxes on gasoline, etc. ... etc. ... sampling of the state account for more than half the income of an average worker.
At the same time, the quality of education is deteriorating for lack of teachers in sufficient numbers, lack of suitable premises and lack of a modern educational materials (computers, VCRs, etc..).
Even worse is the collapse of health services. In hospitals, it is common for injured people for 24 hours on a stretcher in the corridors, rooms and lack of medical personnel. The operations are carried out "chain" and errors Medical multiply. The lack of hygiene in hospitals, patients have 1 in 4 chance of being contaminated with nosocomial infections or highly lethal incapacitating caused by bacteria become resistant to antibiotics and which abound in hospitals (because of misuse of antibiotics by doctors).
5 - The deliberate sabotage of public services to justify their privatization
governments organize sabotage of public utilities whose inefficiency is then used as a pretext to justify their privatization.
Here's what it says about public education in an OECD document, the organization of the World Masters which is also behind the MAI:
"If we reduce the operating costs must be taken not to reduce the amount of service even if this means that the quality drops. Can be reduced, for example, the operating funds for schools and universities, but it would be dangerous to restrict the number of pupils or students. Families react violently to the refusal of registration of their children, but not to a gradual decline in the quality of education.
This is done piecemeal, in a school and not in a hotel nearby so that we avoid a general discontent of the population. "(from" The Policy Brief n ° 13 of the OECD)
6 - corruption at all levels of government
The gap between high taxes and poor services of the state is mainly caused by corruption, present at all levels of government: city, county, state.
Another reason for this discrepancy is the extravagant lifestyle of ministers and senior officials: luxury apartments and executive vehicles, air travel and helicopter trips abroad, many motorcycle escorts, Republican Guard mobilized for a protocol pompous, meals with the finest food, cocktails and receptions at a cost commonly reaches 100,000 euros for a night ... All this is another way divert money from the taxpayer.
7 - unfair subsidies distributed by the state enterprises
If the lack of state money for education, health or pensions, it is also unfair because of subsidies paid to large companies pretext that they will create jobs, and sometimes without reason at all. Then once pocketed subsidies, the company relocates its factories in a country where labor is even cheaper, or more advantageous tax system.
8 - lies, deception and harm of banks and traders ...
Banks and merchants amassed considerable wealth through organized crime, through the manipulation of policies and now they will cause a global crisis, allowing them to own the world ...

For over 10 years, the real power was transferred gradually and discreetly to non-elected bodies (WTO, OECD, European Commission) that are entirely at the service of special interests (the interests of multinational corporations) instead of general interest. Multilateral (MAI, GATS) developed in secrecy and opacity by these same organizations have emptied democracy of its content. These agreements do reduce significantly the power and the right of states to play their regulatory role in the economic, social, and environmental.
10 - The devastation of the environment by businesses with impunity
by pollution, CO2, deforestation, destruction of wild landscapes and biodiversity, "predatory" nature rampaging with impunity. The man and the environment are being sacrificed to economic interests of multinationals, and a bleak future in sight to future generations. The point of no return is ecological about to be crossed. For the citizens of this planet, it must act now.
post: Syti (www.syti.net/)
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