Transhumanism is the man who acquires the ability to modify itself through technology. Advances in science are such that it becomes within reach. Scientists have managed to reverse the effects of age on mice. This does not mean they live longer, but cons, they remain younger longer! Imagine if could have kept our youth until we die, and still have 20 years! It is not there yet, not right away. But it a bit of that ... it is
From that, but also many other things ... Like the fusion man / machine, which is a very promising field as Kevin Warwick is a researcher who is the first human foothold "extensions". (See the video, a little further down this page ...)
Some extensions can restore sight or motor skills to sick / injured, others can make a kind of telepathic connection with machines with neurochips to ... But it can also be used maliciously. We must add all the discoveries in the field nanotechnologies have great potential.
All these applications are part of the "NBIC" Nano-technology Bio-Cognitive-informatico.
New technological developments seem to open all possibilities and create the wildest expectations. Why not imagine that men could escape from suffering, old age or even death?
Transhumanists trying to impose on society the idea that the convergence of technologies "NBIC" (nano, bio, information and cognitive) is inevitable, as its ultimate consequence: the "posthumanism.
Rant or rational expectations?
A highly structured movement, transhumanism, developed in the United States from the 1980s.
The premise is simple: humanity has not reached its final development and can achieve much higher levels, both from a physical, intellectual and psychological.
New technology will revolutionize human nature so that our descendants will in many ways more truly human. Calling for this trend, this movement aims to defend and promote technological research, especially concerning the cryogenics, nanotechnology, genetic recombination, psychopharmacology, artificial intelligence and artificial ...

WHAT transhumanism?
Transhumanism postulates that the human species has not reached its final state and do not wait probably because it undergoes, like all other species, the multiple evolutions. This gives man the opportunity to become enriched through the contributions of all new science and technology.
This echoes the concept of man increased (enhanced) increasingly used today. The man rose abandon many shapes and behaviors that characterize it today but it should be, want transhumanists in favor of extending those new values that make the best of humanism today.
Transhumanism does not yield to the naive optimism. These new sciences and technologies are all carry risks that promise. We must therefore discuss and propose ways to control them, in forums and debates among scientists, philosophers, policy makers and economic, not forgetting, of course, people willing to get involved. Be
transhumanist, in this perspective, therefore, is to believe (it is a genuine issue of belief, since this can be verified experimentally) that a future truly different, thanks to new science, is possible and desirable for humanity today. The tranhumaniste strives to facilitate the transition from today's world, largely inherited from the past and cluttered with contradictions, to a world more open to successful developments.
sciences to enable the transition towards transhumanism
These are biotechnology (including genetic engineering, stem cells, cloning), nanotechnology (with their most revolutionary though not yet mastered, nanotechnology molecular) systems, ultra or super intelligent combining artificial intelligence and neuroscience, virtual reality. In a more futuristic, it also cites the cryonics (preservation of an organization in hyper-cold), methods of downloading the living brain and content of man on artificial systems, all leading to the singularity .. .

Relations transhumanists with nature, human nature and, more broadly, natural environment
should not lead to the kind of qualities it did not. See nothing new. He was told human nature ...
"I do not see, Crick noted geneticist, how modern man is so perfect that we should not try to improve."
It is the same for everything else. The biosphere and more generally the physical and chemical environment in which we operate have many risks for humans and for the future of the world today.

Objections to Transhumanism
They are many. But it can be answered. Transhumanism does it benefit only the rich? Does it promote eugenics? Does it generate risk insurmountable? Aggravate does not present problems, including overcrowding, prolonging life? Oblige he preferred not to the future at the expense of this ?.... More generally, what ethical values draw there? What exactly will ultimately transhuman society, a nightmare or paradise?
Generally, transhumanists show a willingness to liberalism. Everyone will be able to remain free to choose lifestyle and patterns of evolution of body and mind. Those who do not want to move too fast need to keep faithful to their traditions. But conversely those who are willing to try new adventures should not be allowed against the legacy of moral views or policies of the past and having no reason to be.
Obviously at this point that the face of a new science, society tends to divide into two unequal parts, the more who are afraid of an uncertain future, eventually want to criticize and ban all experimentation - the fewest who are betting their effects beneficial and want to organize for this bet to succeed.
Transhumanism he resembles a religion?
Transhumanism, like certain religions, has a very long-term vision of what could be the salvation of humanity in an improved environment. But unlike religions, sects and mystical number, it does not refer to sources of supernatural or divine intervention that churches and priests argue impose on men. It merely continued by extending the approach of rational thought and Western science, marked by secularism if atheism. That some transhumanist
refer to God on their behalf, why not - as some scientists are spiritualist - but these references, especially if they were embodied in the fanaticism and intolerance are unacceptable. Provided transhumanism does not set itself up as dogma, be it secular. This, according to proponents of the movement, a family of evolutionary worldviews (Evolving Family of worldviews) open to all new experiences and suggestions
But transhumanism mixture does he not so hazardous the science and science fiction?
Such a mixture may discredit the movement, whether from scientists themselves or an audience. The naive indeed in danger of rushing on the prospects for long-term transformation of the world referred to by some transhumanist, imagining that these opportunities will be realized tomorrow. This will only encourage them to turn to the false prophets of science, magicians and spiritualists who already proliferate in today's society.
An apparent confusion between what is still the scientific imagination, if not science fiction, and what follows science in everyday life away without doubt the most transhumanism scientists. The majority of them, which are generally materialists if scientists could get to this school of thought. But they will not do if they feel they engage in risky ways that could discredit them.
On transhumanism, see our interview with Nick Bostrom and related links: http://www.admiroutes.asso.fr/larevue/2005/68/bostrom.htm
While the transhumanist movement (some say "posthumanist" ) remains confidential if surreptitious, it should be taken seriously and be investigated, as it marks a philosophical change that corresponds to convergent evolution and accelerated technology ...
Here a video very interesting (even if the technologies that are commented are rather outdated. In recent years new technologies have greatly advanced and there had with the nano several major advances and innovations ...)
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