It is these encounters that mark your existence of a lasting and healing. I worked then as a journalist in a jar with local bars on the window. One morning a young woman came into the office.
And I felt the air vibrate.
She had to pass a job interview. We exchanged a friendly hello, sincere. The courtesies were transformed into an invitation to lunch. And, after barely an hour, I gained a new friend.
Not a good friend or acquaintance nice. No, a precious friend and faithful.
We continued our merry way, often wiping away a grain at the same time, facing devastating storms and deadly quiet. Elbows tight in the storm, hearts tight in adversity.
A resident of the place ... |
Since last September, Anne opened her paint shop. A special workshop that follows the teachings of a Grandpa shows, Arno Stern .
Paint for itself, just for himself
In an enclosed, the walls covered with craft paper, it forgets all the stresses of life to speak freely on a sheet of paper. In the midst of the throne room table with a palette limited choice of colorful and attractive.
You choose your piece of wall, and Anne our fixed with sheet nice golden bugs. Do not paint the bugs as they are reused.
Each rule has a meaning, a simple reason: respect for others and equipment, but also help us yet. For each participant is focused on his record, his garden of expression.
So is Anne who gives us the cushion, stool, footstool and for the more ambitious beetle. The important thing is to paint standing upright, firmly rooted in the soil. Children soon understand the rules they naturally incorporate into their game for adults, with our hardened shell under the weight of years, it's harder to let go jack!
Frog in action! Thank you to Anne for the photo.
In the workshop we painted.
No need for technical, no need to model, painted just for oneself, to express themselves freely.
No need to "know" draw, no need for competence. Just let the colors inspire us, let the brush take her dancing. Tables
never leave the workshop.
Here, we play, we play to paint something valuable for yourself, something that is offered. The time is past a sweet interlude without trial, in an atmosphere of warmth and human energy.
A festival of bright colors
And we learn. You learn to respect others, we learn to seek help and accept it. You learn to listen, to listen to the sounds of others and their presence. With children, a communication made gestures and smiles came. Concentration joyful repents. The presence of Anne
serves both to catalyze and channel the energy.
At the end of the session, I am tired, flourishing, and most importantly, lighter. And then if we have not finished, no big deal. Next time, Anne apparent the unfinished painting. Mine is waiting in his portfolio. During February vacation , I will find this place, its calm and inspiration ...
And you?
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