retransmit this release that we consider of great interest ... (you be the judge). For our part, we consider that this view is summarized very insightful ... a very far-sighted vision of the future!
Researchers who follow the advances of the "New World Order" for over ten years, have joined forces to conduct a review and assess the progress in progress (pompously some call these a "socio-geopolitical"). Specifically, this involves the examination of acquired later in the plan and review the current use of resources (for example, imagine a country where all people starve, and where leaders each have two jets, a helicopter and five Rolls, if the budget is devoted to building a new airport an order is placed to purchase ten additional helicopters and a winter pool for each executive, we can assume that during the coming year, the famine will continue.
Conversely, if those same leaders pass control of irrigation, seeds and livestock, we can deduce that probably will start to reduce famine).
Plus we have more parameters and it is easy to guess the rest, here are some of the most notable
One of the major nuclear powers France was the only country that can play a distinct role of NATO and the UN. The appointment of Sarkozy of France has come into NATO. In 2010, plans to merge NATO in the UN are deposited. The generals directly in the pay of the Bilderberg Group are now all at the head of the largest army in the world.
Since 2005, all Western countries, military groups receive special training for the invasion of cities, civil war, and control civilian populations. Many concentration camps are built and ready for use in all of Europe military camps are equipped to be transformed overnight into concentration camps for civilians.
past ten years have seen change little by little the laws to give more authority to police against the ordinary citizen who can no longer that "submit to authority ".
In all countries, total control is now performed on all communications, fax, phone, internet. Also, all new laws (or "norms") governing radio broadcasts and private television so that they are under total control.
Also during recent years, dozens of spy satellites more efficient have been put into orbit, the largest and most important of all (NROL 32) was sent in November 2010 (the midst of economic crisis). The human implant RFID is built millions of copies, readers land are already installed in all European countries, Australia, Canada, and in all countries of Asia and Latin America controlled by the Bilderberg Group (Malaysia, Thailand, Mexico ...). Satellites responsible for retrieving data, storing and transferring, are already in space.
- Despite years of complaints and denunciations by scientists, fluoride continues to be added to drinking water, including bottled water! We must remember that the peculiarity of fluorine is to suppress the immune system (like any other poison in small doses, aspartame, triclosan, monosodium glutamate, MSG, heavy metals from vaccines, etc..), But most of destroy the will and the spirit of rebellion (tested first by the Nazis, then in the Russian gulags and prisons on U.S. prison populations).
- 2008-2009, thanks to the Internet, the first mass vaccination (for H1N1) has been a failure.
- During 2010, new laws and technical equipment have emerged in each country to control the Internet, which is no longer a free network (including acts of censorship every day with more intensity).
- 2005, the status of the WHO change: previously, the WHO would "recommend" to a country general vaccination, now she can "order" that vaccination by armed force.
- 2009, May: WHO changes the criteria that define what a "pandemic". Now it is more necessary it is a fatal disease.
- 2009, July: in all countries controlled by the Bilderberg group passed laws freeing politicians and laboratories from all liability for side effects and deaths due to vaccines.
- Due to the global failure of the first season, 2010 is spared, however, in early 2011, key leaders of the WHO (Baxter Laboratories, Sanofi and Novartis) are planning a new pandemic will trigger mandatory vaccination campaigns (in each country to pass laws that whoever refuses to be considered criminal and imprisoned or forcibly vaccinated). The operation is almost ready (there are only few countries that have not yet adopted such laws), vaccines loaded as it does more than create a few cases for the launch, and choose the best time to do (according to our analysis it is very likely that it will be before 2015). Vaccinations cause then the most terrible pandemics, and nobody can denounce vaccines because they are the same that Internet control, statistics and the media. It is likely that on this occasion it will be offered the vaccine-implant which will then control each individual computer.
- The "chemtrails", whose major role is to lower the immune system, are very convenient, because the spraying daily may be changed at any time. Add to nano robots bacteria that begin to cause a pandemic is what is easier. The advantage of having established a program to destroy the immune system (fluorine, GM, Codex Alimentarius, chemtrails ...) is that it does not use a dangerous virus (this will not be Ebola or anthrax), but rather a virus Benin, which will therefore only affect people whose immune system is weak, mainly social classes most disadvantaged (studies show that in 2010, a person who wants to eat healthily monthly spending six to seven times more than a customer of large area, it is also used to this, the economic crisis). Thereafter it vaccination that will contaminate other social strata, and nobody will know that death is due to the vaccine, since it will suffice to state that the person died of the pandemic.
The cocktail is ready: economic crisis, social chaos, laws to enable WHO to order compulsory vaccination laws, to declare martial law and install a military dictatorship, current technology (human implants, nano robots chemtrails and food. spy satellites, HAARP ...), ready armed, concentration camps ready, it only needs the date, but there is more complicated because the program is not yet complete: China and Russia are dragging their feet.
Those who try to establish their "New World Order" does not want not trigger the destruction beyond China along with the chaos in their country. So they have to first convince Chinese leaders to rally their ideas (discussions ongoing), or trigger before 2018 war against China (hence the recent construction of the largest American military bases around the country) .
With all these elements, we can already get an idea of the date of the establishment of the "New World Order", but there are also elements poorly controlled by themselves, primarily with regard to the economy. The major U.S. banks it is pulled through the bleaching of the drug that provides significant benefits, especially cash that are missing, but despite this, their delay to devalue (euro and dollar) to face the economic disaster they Chineprovoque master does not know, and bankruptcy begins to generate a European social chaos they did not want so early (they thought they could sink the euro to save their dollar, and instead, these are the two currencies' s écroulent). Moreover, their plan of "quiet war with silent weapons" is becoming better known: people revolt cons lower grade level, trying to look for healthy eating, are managed to maintain their immune system, and most importantly, despite censorship, multiply the warnings on the Net.
So not easy to determine the dates, but most likely:
2011, increased the crisis to prepare the social chaos (hyperinflation, economic crash) and increase the general failure of the immune system.
Between late 2011 and 2013 , the pandemic is likely to be triggered "soft" and a war (Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen, Korea?) The same holds both arms industries, pharmaceutical companies and those in biotechnology.
2012 to 2015, leaders of most countries will cause the establishment of military dictatorships (they are selected for this purpose), the rebels in the new world order will be eliminated (the civil chaos during the treatment will last probably not more than three to five years, the resistance will be small, consisting mainly of youth).
2015 to 2018, to pass laws mandating the implementation of the micro-chip RFID
Our only opportunity to prevent this: in most countries, elections will be held in 2012. We must manage to win them in at least one country has an adequate military capability (even better if equipped with nuclear deterrence), because we are still in the human period or "only the fittest" is force, and the stronger is the army. She must be convinced to side with the people.
is the rationale for the Démosophie: A Concept of government aside politicians and allowing the people of a country to win the 2012 elections.
As there is no independent politicians Bilderberg Group, and can not exist in the current organization of society, the "people" will have to represent himself, not the form of a "political party" again, but according to the model démosophique, the only model offering all guarantees of a government open to all and really impossible to corrupt. The members of this government are all just human beings, virgin politically united by the desire to restore a healthy and open a new way for humanity so that other people reject in turn the concept Bilderberg. This way, the gain of the presidential elections, is the only way to immediately neutralize the armed force in the siding of the people, and contrary to appearances, this is a very feasible way: to date, February 2011, the concept continues démosophique with 100% membership in spite of the readers of many countries, from all backgrounds, social classes, etc. ...
Clearly, this means that the only program dissemination démosophique is enough to win these elections. It is therefore just that: people really determined to spread this concept by any means to prohibit continuity plans Bilderberg.
That is what this new website: www.demosophie.com
> To allow these individuals to come together to organize themselves, develop jointly with all the free thinkers of the world the best program possible, and prepare all the actions to be taken from the elections won (enter on this team is to accept a body of work for several years, not wanting to enjoy privileges and luxury!).
The elections will take place from 2012 are vital (it is the right word) to humanity: the Bilderberg Club has planned to impose in each country one of its puppets who will be responsible for triggering operations during his tenure requirements (listed above). The only other alternative is démosophie: either the people will win, whether it be politicians, there is no third option!
Source: "Freethinkers"

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