Currently I am working on a lot of things and am unfortunately unable to show you anything. This is a cover for an album that takes the comic stories of donkeys in the literature (Alphonse Daudet, La Fontaine, Robert Louis Stevenson, Aesop the Comtesse de Segur ...), I am also working on an illustration for the duo contributes organized by the NFB and Bayard and prepares the Festival poster art fantasy this summer, because I'll be the guest of honor. To keep you see the agenda on the side with links and labels.
But as usual I will talk about it when I can show you visuals.
Another thing, I want to say I'll be signing the 9 and April 10 at book fair youth in Le Havre . I am also in dedications and exposure to Mons (Belgium) for Trolls and Legends of April 22 to 24 . And then much later, as I mentioned earlier, I'll be the guest early August festival of art imaginary Beaumont en Auge.

I'll be in the Biggest Faerie Festival in Belgium (Mons) The 22,23,24 of April: TROLLS and LEGENDS . Hope to see you there ...
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