Transhumanism, however, is an extension of humanism and social movement that affirms the possibility and the desire to improve the human condition more fundamentally, by encouraging the development and greater access to technologies that allow people to live longer and health while enhancing their intellectual, physical and emotional.
Transhumanism thus cultivates the scientific study of the ramifications, promises and potential dangers of technologies that allow us to overcome fundamental human limitations, and ethical issues involved in the development and use of these technologies.
Transhumanism was implicit in the works of many humanists, ethicists and futurists for centuries but this trend has become visible with the emergence of books, newspapers and non-governmental organizations such as the World Transhumanist Association (MTA) in recent years.
The convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science and its inevitable impact on the human condition are becoming apparent to many.

vanguard intellectuals have allowed internationally renowned and the public meet to discuss the symbiosis of technological development and social innovation in a future where human nature will continue to be in constant transition.
Despite the neo-liberal course in the United States, the transhumanist movement, which organized quietly in Quebec reflects a dynamic multiple values of Quebec society, or the pragmatism and solidarity. Quebec transhumanism advocates a middle ground between techno-realism and techno-utopianism to design a new social project.
Because some breakthroughs most revolutionary technological advance will see perhaps the day in 20 or 45 years, Quebec transhumanist not limited to the optimistic speculation about what the future will bring.
Instead, they want to stimulate people to reflect critically on the promises and dangers associated EMERGENCE of human enhancement technologies to discuss any rationality in what should be done and a social order in Quebec or we can implement responsible decisions.
Transhumanism extends to a global ATM and invites you to join them in this important work to build the transhumanist movement in Quebec.
Be masters of our bodies!
article: Justice Théziers
Director, World Transhumanist Association
Director, Association of Transhumanist Quebec
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