The term "transhumanism" is symbolized by H + or h + "And is often used as a synonym for" human betterment ". Although the first known use of the word "transhumanism" dates from 1957, its current meaning originated in the 1980s, when some forecasters Americans began to organize what became the transhumanist movement. Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings could be capable of being transformed into beings with such capacities they deserve the label of "posthumans. Thus, transhumanism is sometimes considered a posthumanism or as a form of activism is characterized by a greater willingness to change and influenced by the ideals posthumanists.
transhumanist visions of a transformed humanity prompted many reactions, both positive and negative thoughts emanating from very different horizons. Francis Fukuyama has said, about transhumanism, it is the most dangerous idea in the world, what one of its promoters, Ronald Bailey, said that it is, instead, the "movement which embodies the aspirations of the most daring, courageous, imaginative and idealistic humanity "...
Epigenetics Epigenetics, is the field that studies how the environment and individual history influences the expression of genes, specifically all the changes transmitted from one generation to another and reversible gene expression without altering the sequences nucleotide.
The existence of epigenetic phenomena is found in the interrogation of Thomas Morgan "If the characters of the individual are determined by genes, why all the cells of an organism are not they the same? "Indeed
each cell of the same body with the same genetic - Apart from a few somatic mutations - their differences imply a differential expression of genes. Epigenetic phenomena can be defined in a narrow sense as the phenomena of change in the pattern of gene expression without changing the nucleotide sequence, eg cytosine methylation or histone proteins bound to DNA. These changes can occur spontaneously, in response to the environment, or because of the presence of a particular allele. They have the distinction of being inheritable from one generation to another cell during of mitosis even over several generations of organisms during meiosis, although their cause has disappeared.
Another proof of the existence of epigenetic differences is the physical and biological processes that occur in identical twins (monozygotic) which live and feed in different environments.
During development, thus comes in addition to genetic inheritance, programming by epigenetic processes, itself under the influence of a multitude of environmental factors. "You could compare the difference between genetics and epigenetics the difference between writing a book and reading it. Once the book is written, the text (the genes or the information stored as DNA) are the same in every copy distributed to the public. However, each reader of a particular book will have a slightly different interpretation of history, which will bring him into the emotions and personal projections over the chapters. In a very, epigenetics allow different interpretations of a fixed matrix (the book or the genetic code), giving rise to various interpretations, depending on conditions in which this template is interrogated.. "
epigenetic phenomena have been demonstrated in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and primarily in plants (where the characters acquired by an individual, can be transmitted to subsequent generations, property used by breeders). The
epimutations are much more frequent than classical mutations in DNA. The epigenome is dynamic stability.
epigenetic phenomena cover paramutation, bookmarking (en), the imprinting phenomenon, the extinction of gene inactivation X chromosome, the effect of position (in) the reprogramming (in), transvection (en), the maternal effect (en) (the paternal effect is more rare because the sperm is a vector of smaller equipment non-nucleotide), regulation of histone modifications and heterochromatin. They are among others involved in the development of cancer, teratogenesis and in the limitations of parthenogenesis or cloning.
Transhumanism FOR DUMMIES
Submitted by: Jean-Luc Give Matteo
Nanotechnology for Dummies, microtechnology, NBIC, artificial intelligence systems, evolution, revolution, pollution, alternative project technologically feasible, ecology, awareness, foresight ...

Is it possible to remove the brain from the rest of the human body?
Theoretically yes
- Putting the brain under very controlled drugs, avoid all drug addictions.
- should not suffer from the absence of sensory organs such as eyes, ears, skin, the "phantom limbs", so his breath.
- It must be constantly fed blood, hormones, protective drugs, pain medications inhibitors (described above).
This first step can be done very quickly. The brain is temporarily in a bath environment rich in nutrition, he is asleep temporarily and partially by the drug to avoid suffering. Constantly monitoring
in the brain may also be treated in rare cases of stroke (stroke), even when protected by effective drug.
can theoretically stay a few months to several years in this state without degradation, several decades with little degradation.
Why remove the brain of the body?
- Old age, the elderly (or very old) wanting to have an alternative to death.
- Large terminally ill, for the same reason.
- Some disabled people have more or little autonomy.
- Those sentenced to life in prison.
- Transhumanists.
grand scale keeps the price of a brain is much less than dealing with individuals with all the complications of life, over his last leave vacancies in society to others, then they do not need funding. Even
brain sick?
Yes, a brain disease can be cured with time. Theoretically in the coming years we will be able to repair brains damaged by age, accidents of life, addictive drugs, etc. cancerous tumors. Diseases such as autism, schizophrenia, manic-depression, Down's syndrome, to name as known to be even theoretically treated.
Some diseases can be treated within the framework or the brain is fully conscious and not asleep as above, such as some neuroses.

All these nerve connections were preserved, they are absolutely functional but not stimulated. If we sleep the brain is so he can feel the extreme pain that can cause nerve connections unstimulated.
Nanotechnology and microbiology current coupled to computer can theoretically allow us to design a substrate technology physical connection to the adequacy of the millions of nerve connections. This interface takes a first step the different groups of neurons. Those individuals of the five senses touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste. Other neural connections are more subtle ways of understanding their utility, they are well connected.
The connection between nerve cells with fine physical media already exists. It is therefore theoretically possible to design such a physical substrate in the years to come.
independent stimulation of each nerve connection by an electrical signal is theoretically feasible.
All these connections are connected by computer with artificial intelligence programs and more.

Language being restored, much less hearing complex to reconnect the view will be preferred.
With the feeling of having a body and the power to hear and speak, and gradually reducing the analgesic drug in the brain, we can refine them (hearing, touch, voice) and give a logical and emotional life personality related to the brain.
From the possibility of exchanging information with fine personality theory, we can reconnect to the brain the sight, smell and taste.
The brain reconnected
An automatic protection system can sleep in the brain cases of pain related to a hardware failure outside. The brain itself can begin this process of protection.
The monitoring system must be in triplicate, it is vital for brain and so if one of the three monitoring systems broke down one of the other two automatically replace him with an automatic start of the first system fails.
The Five Senses
The brain can see and hear the real world, sensors connected to it are just as effective as the eyes and ears.
To perform any other sense, the best is to carry the 5 senses in a world artificial, where the brain not only felt but his virtual body would see it, feel the sweat running, smells of the environment and the artificial taste of chocolate he would eat while having as much or more fun than we do with our mortal bodies. An autonomous body
can be built so that the brain can move in the real world, touch the world of its 5 senses take or move things, etc.. The brain may not be in the body but to thousands of kilometers, the exchange of information may be by fiber optics and electromagnetism.
The brain is under constant monitoring, it can be treated at any physical problem very quickly, protective measures can be generated automatically, pending a further diagnosis. Its possibility of death is very low:
It can be repaired, treated his disease, its cells replaced, without affecting neuronal systems.
It is connected to physical systems far more resilient than the human body, these physical systems can be improved over time, a virtually immortal body.
It can be fully protected against any risk nuclear, bacteriological, Chemical and maybe nanotechnology.
The brain has access to the virtual world much more effectively than man "not connected", it is important to note, this feature is a powerful movement of new discoveries and consciousness.
Finally, despite these technological achievements, the foundations of transhumanism, and even if we see her already extraordinary possibilities, the most wonderful yet to come ...
The purpose of this subject and to exchange information, mainly being myself logician of information, but also raise questions, ideas or dreams. Any questions, imaginative and forward-looking contribution related to this subject are welcome.
Usefulness of nanotechnology:
- Replace every cell of the brain by a new cell without affecting neural networks; wholesale replace its DNA degrades over time by new DNA, and repair the mitochondria .
- Set new stem cells that will differentiate into brain cells to increase over time the number of neural networks but also for those who have lost a lot.
- Assist in the creation of the substrate that links neuronal cells to computer systems.
- ultra fast quantum computers with extraordinary memories (Computers conscious?).
- unlimited free energy such as solar cells with high efficiency.
- Support for the creation of synthetic food, late-breeding farm animals.
- Stop working for humans, only supervision, monitoring, research.
- Unnecessary physical structures present in large cities at the sight of the importance of lift and the virtual, so nanobots to clean (if not vast museum?).
- De-pollution of the full Earth nanobots still called nanobots.
- Production of spacecraft alive? (Nanomaterials are they useful?).
Preparation from the human to posthuman, no need to brain.
- The aging such as lack of information but too many errors, are diseases.
- Such a project requires hundreds of billions of euros related to research, perhaps ten times less if we take our time, which creates two problems:
- Consultation must be made at the global level which requires an acute awareness of this turning point (r) Evolutionary unique to the leaders of our societies.
- Leaders must be submitted with this project to their citizens, so say what this can bring to humans. But also why it is now feasible. But still it's not a gamble but a reality to reality. To impress upon people that they will be more free (if they have already!), They are sure about anything, they are virtually immortal.
- But still teach that the ultimate amount of the project as financial spell the end of capitalism, but then any monetary system.
- From an ecological is of such importance that it should be clear: Almost more pollution, more factories or cars at first, more waste, more animals to eat, more nuclear power or coal, more heavily polluting plants short: human needs will be extremely small at first and waiting for a completely clean energy.
me immortal? But I will miss!
Precisely not! All the pleasures of life can be simulated and amplified in the first place. We must also understand that to regain a healthy brain is also the taste to live, to discover the infinite, to play what we want, there is an unimaginable number of fascinating subjects. It would be impossible to fall into depression or other illnesses. We must insist on the hard desire to live and be happy like never before, that access to reality is always present, we have various forms of operation, virtual or real, both at the same time. Virtual, in the sense of a virtual infinitely more rich than what we have now. In the real sense become a living Lifestyle. Finite survival and scrapes!
This project is it sustainable or is it a dream?
There are hundreds of thousands of adherents around the world, without counting those who know it's possible but feel frustrated at not having the means to shout their ideas, thoughts!
We bring together scientists and thinkers from around the world at the informational level on such a project to see if a consensus is created in this way. I have no doubt that the ethical and technical discussion will be many.
Why this project is a race against time?
Just look at what kind of world we live two or three billion people are even in very large distress, poverty at all levels is there.
- the proliferation of nuclear reactors and waste becomes a concern. The breeders are not operational and even less hot fusion.
- Fossil fuels like oil, coal, gas will become very very expensive ... because they are in a phase of exhaustion in the medium term. They are also sources of conflict, war.
- Pollution is everywhere, from deep oceans to the geostationary orbit.
- The monetary systems based on functions of levers are fictitious collapse all banks. Most are short of cash. At the next crash millions of Americans lose their houses do you see these people signed contracts or variable rate is unlimited! So to pay bills of $ 300 per month is sometimes difficult but when the bills amounted to $ 1,000 per month is a disaster and this example is minor in the subject of this message. The monetary system is a source of disparity, the rich get richer and the poor poorer.
- And finally and most importantly we are in an evolutionary singularity: Nanotechnology! We can slow down a little progress technology but not for long. Nobody denies the nanotechnology revolution and what it can but the dangers of nanotechnology are immense. Dangers so great that the nuclear danger is next to nothing. The NBIC is extremely dangerous as it promises
- Nanotechnology, views, cost less and lower instrumentation can be used by terrorists. What we have become almost 15 billion years of evolution, the nanoterrorisme can destroy completely in 2 weeks. Our bodies are extremely fragile, emergency measures are needed.
article by Jean-Luc Give Matteo, April 2010, logician information.
Source: wem3wem3@gmail.com
short, transhumanism, singularity, we start to talk and I do not want to miss this opportunity to share with you my thoughts on this subject that fascinates me, through subjects as diverse as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, cyborgs, etc. ...

Transhumanists seek to develop the technical capabilities so that people live longer and healthy while improving their intellectual, physical and emotional.
New technologies raise important substantive issues, both scientific, social and ethical perspectives. The World Transhumanist Association (MTA) was founded in 1998 to encourage discussion, research and increase the visibility of transhumanist thought to the public. On the website of the association, you will find relevant information about transhumanism, transhumanist organizations in your area, an academic journal in line and schedule of upcoming conferences and much more.
Modern technologies such as genetic engineering, information technology, pharmaceutical medicine and the anticipation of future capabilities including nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, downloading data from the brain into a computer or uploading The perpetual bliss by chemical modification (paradise engineering) and colonization of space are part of the sphere of interest transhumanists. Hazards as far as the potential benefits are analyzed with the ultimate aim to develop working strategies and policies that allow companies and individuals to face the future happens.
The stakes can not be higher. Plausible scenarios are both state of the extinction of any intelligent life as the emergence of a posthuman future beautiful and radiant. You are invited to join the growing number of people in science or people interested in taking part in a serious discussion on the future of humanity.

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