Most recently, the report of the Davos Forum Planted well concerns that disturb the sleep of this group of leaders: insecurity and new risks arising from unbridled globalization and a world of increasingly complex. Among those risks, that of accessibility to water and energy and the global food crisis that shook many governments.
messed up by a major economic crisis, states and the international community can no longer rely on an adequate response capability to contain the crises that are occurring at an accelerated pace. After the Davos Forum, will open the next Global Forum in Dakar, the Social Forum that.
Altermondialists who are gathered there will probably retort, "you had said ..." and remember that, like Cassandra, they had glimpsed when globalization and trade liberalization could lead us. They will be there to offer any vision of the future as much as economic capital of our planet.
From Quebec to Davos protect our public water systems
Premier Charest and Minister Gignac have already announced their participation in the Global Forum. Forum in Davos, it must be clarified. With what mandate they will go there? Good question. The more cynical may say they will seek to reassure investors to avoid the relocation of companies like Electrolux, currently rely on the largesse the Quebec government and are waiting for the right opportunity to do business elsewhere.
As they have accustomed us, he probably jaseront trade. The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with the European Union will probably make the heart of the concerns of the Quebec delegation. Hopefully, because in this matter, as far as Canada Quebec governments have not announced their clear colors. What compromises our governments are prepared to do to increase their access to lucrative European markets?
Behind closed doors, governments in Europe and Canada are currently negotiating this trade agreement whose side effects could be immense. Before the stalled negotiations under the World Trade and at the failure of continental integration, the agreement once again bypass the public space to discuss in the same culture of secrecy.
One target of this Agreement: public water supply systems and water treatment. European multinationals water working hard behind the scenes so that provinces and municipalities in Quebec and across Canada are giving governance to the private sector. The Council of Canadians and Canadian Union of Public Employees were among the first to sound the alarm. Previous rounds of negotiations had always seen Canadian and Quebec governments to act prudently to protect these public networks. However, it seems that this time, Canadian negotiators want to go more cheerfully and have lost their inhibitions.
The arguments that go against this privatization, however, are legion, beginning with recent history. The privatization experiences have resulted in failure and many cities like Brussels, rather take the opposite course and remunicipalisent systems of water management passed the private sector. Trade agreements as legal barriers that reduce the power of the public to clean up the mess. Private Property Procurement tempting, it is not surprising to see these companies force the hand of foreign countries to deploy their "expertise" ...
Must remember, water is a vital right. Entrust its management to the private sector is to open the door to mismanagement and questionable practices, like the saga of the contract on the water meter was able to demonstrate noisily in Montreal. Should the signing of an agreement with the European Union would open these public contracts to the private sector, Quebec would be deprived of the right of most back.
Since the liberalization and privatization of our collective heritage is one-way street that can not benefit the greatest number, the Quebec people can not tolerate such a culture of secrecy. At the commodification of water, oppose the vigilance and civic and political mobilization.
Françoise David
President and spokesperson for Québec solidaire
Source: Cyberpresse via DC Conspiracy
By the mind, in Quebec we could soon be facing a privatization water. The province is more indebted than ever, if we are a country we would be in the top 20 most indebted countries in the world ... (see: http://www.iedm.org/fr/e)
It is important to understand that we may eventually be approached by these companies to privatize the public good belonging to us all. Be approached is a big word, it's been there lobbying the government and these companies. For skeptics of a future of water privatization in Quebec: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/le-soleil/opinions/points-de-vue/201101/27/01-4364275-attention-eau-quebecoise -a-vendre.php
It is important to understand the issues! And how much water is precious! If water is allowed to be privatized, we will sign our killing slow and horrible ... We will then pay to drink this liquid "vital" or die ... Because its price will necessarily exorbitant ... And the most miserly will sell and will control the water ...
One way or another, we can no longer sufficient for our need for water ... Unless you have the means ($$$) to the poor: they dry! For the majority of humanity will be hard up! This will be the end ...
Also, it is a little late to worry about ... The purchase of water by unscrupulous multinationals: it already! Blue gold is more coveted at this time that the black gold!

REVELATIONS IN BONUS: One group, consisting of 13 groups (the higher spheres of trade and banking) have to buy the planet Earth and humanity in full force! Nothing less!
They buy water, land, seeds, genes, all energy sources, and all that exists here on this planet overused! And now they have to tie all this ... Before long
we know who will be the new absolute masters of our planet!
It remains only to make a few transactions ...
Strategy = Crisis + Fear + Disorderly
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